In its place are a series of Multiple Mini Interviews - which I will explain later.With the end of the formal interview process, candidates now need not justify their extra-curricular achievements.In addition, NUS now does not require submission of your CCA records, testimonials nor your transcripts.Personally, though, I think prospective applicants should have done a job shadowing of some kind for a feel of what dentistry is like.There are hundreds of private clinics now in Singapore - give them a ring, I'm sure at least one or two will be glad to have you and show you around for the day.Some of you might be interested in being a dental assistant to gain some experience or knowledge. Shortlisted candidates should download or print the electronic invitation letter for retention. There is a staff in each station to grade you as well. It’s a 3-to-1 interviewer-interviewee set up, and they will take turns to ask the questions. The items to be submitted as part of the portfolio during this stage are: the personal statement (500 words), CCA list, and official testimonial from your junior college, polytechnic or high school. It is now time to prepare for the Multiple Mini Interviews as well as the Manual Dexterity Test. Had a half-day of relief teaching at a secondary school before leaving for NUS. For the clueless, here are the tasks: Mould a piece of playdough into a shape of a tooth Carve a shape into a cylindrical piece of soap (during my time, it was plaster of paris)You will be given 3 hours to complete the tasks, although some of you may require less time.Conversely (and rather hilariously), I remember a guy during my time who gave up and walked out of the room after just 30 minutes.Don't be like that dude! In the first of these series, I will detail the experience I had when first applying the course back in the mid 2010s.Disclaimer: I graduated not long ago in the mid 2010s, but as with all things (and life in general), stuff may have changed slightly. Simply apply and hope for the best!If you are a male, however, you chances of getting an assistantship is very low. Spaces fill up quickly - so book today!Master the UCAT with our comprehensive question bank, and give yourself the best chance of getting an interview!Boost your BMAT score with our excellent mock questions on every section. There are 10 stations in all, 8 testing stations and 2 rest stations.There will be 10 candidates doing the MMIs concurrently, and will be rotated in a round-robin manner every 10 minutes. Applicants are also encouraged to check for updates on shortlisting status regularly at the • two other subjects, of which one must be Biology or Physics• And indicate Medicine as first or second choice on the application.Locals with International qualifications should have equivalent qualifications and overall good grades including good passes in Chemistry and either Biology or Physics.Further details will be provided to shortlisted applicants via email and / or post. Before 2016, shortlisted applicants had to sit through a formal interview panel with 3 senior professors or lecturers. All I got in response was an amusing and rather curt response - 'Please refer to our admission website for more information' ?This series of posts is aimed at helping prospective applicants get more information about the course in general. In line with the increasing number of applicants year on year, I will only assume that the competition has since only increased.In conclusion - sorry for being straightforward, but it is what it is. Book a Dentistry MMI Circuit Why Do You Want to Study Dentistry? Thus, gaining successful admission into the Faculty of Dentistry at NUS was ultra-competitive. 8:04. This was abolished to give rise to a more 'holistic and rounded' selection process.A series of stations where candidates are rotated to react to various scenarios acted out by testers who are usually people paid to act as 'live', dummy patients. Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) - Duration: 8:04. abhchannel 330,103 views. For those applying to NUS dentistry, information about the course may seem difficult to get unless you already have friends studying there, or if you are somehow in the know.