The hormone from the birth control shot stays in your body for at least three months. However spotting can also be an indication of a vaginal or cervical infection, so if you have any concerns about that check with your doctor. My next shot is at the end of this month. This is because the hormone makes it thin and unsuitable for growth.A birth control shot prevents pregnancy for three months. Nothing much to worry and it will settle by itself. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You just cannot get pregnant when your ovaries have not released an egg. After your third or fourth injection, your body knows how to respond to the increase, and you may notice few to no issues.Because the birth control shot is designed to be long lasting, there’s nothing you can do to stop the hormone’s effects once you’ve been injected. 0 comment. No definite treatment is required. All rights reserved. Spotting while on Depo is a common concern, but it is possible to experience some other side effects as well. I know that the shot is different for a lot women. Depo Shot? It’s very effective. However, there is no evidence to support routine use of this type of treatment.If an NSAID doesn’t work, your doctor may suggest supplemental estrogen. I have no other symptoms. Any health question asked on this site will be visible to the people who browse this site. I didn't bleed or have my period after my first shot. According to the Every 12 weeks, you need to have a repeat injection to maintain your protection against pregnancy. Keep in mind that it is not a long-term solution, mainly because Mefenamic acid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which is why it can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and hypertension.While it is usually used to cause abortion, your doctor may prescribe it to treat your bleeding issues if they are because of the Depo shot. f/u/ w/ docUnusual bleeding is the hallmark of Depo Provera (medroxyprogesterone). the brown discharge is just residual uterine lining. However, it’s important to talk with your doctor if you’re experiencing side effects, like bleeding and Certain medication may help to stop the bleeding and spotting side effects of the birth control shot. You’ll need your next injection in 12 weeks. That is mainly because every birth control method has a failure rate, and the Depo-Provera is not an exception.If you are finding your bleeding issues to be very annoying, you may consider going for estrogen treatments. /23/14, but yesterday I started to have brown spotting . This is my second birth control shot. If you’re late, avoid intercourse or use a backup plan. These side effects can include:Most women will adjust to the hormone levels of a birth control shot in several months or after a few rounds of treatment. Irregular bleeding. You usually need to take a dose of 500mg two times a day to get positive results. I've been on the depo shot for like nine months and am now getting brown discharge. Copyright 2020 © These side effects may last for several more weeks or months after stopping.If you’ve recently had your first birth control shot and are experiencing bleeding issues, keep in mind that these issues are common. what does it mean? My boyfriend did not ejaculate inside of me, scientists say there is no sperm in prejaculatory fluid. Here are some of the options your doctor may consider:Conjugated Estrogens: They may give you a combination of Cenestin, Enjuvia, and Premarin to help treat your symptoms.Micronized Estradiol: They may give you Gunodiol orEstrace, which are obtained from plant sources. I am now due for my second shot and am having very dark brown, almost black spotting. Depo-Provera has a good success rate and works great for the treatment of endometriosis, but you may experience some side effects, such as spotting while on Depo. Is this irregular spotting on depo? Regards, Dr. Shinas Hussain, General & Family Physician I have consistently had 3 depo shots all on time. This is more common during the first year of taking your contraceptive injection. You may find that the shot makes your periods heavier and longer. It is now april, and i am having cramps, bloating, headaches just like i am on my period. I am sexually active but I'm not pregnant and er are always safe. And if not, what could this be? Would also check HCG and check for vaginitis. Keep in mind that this is not like NuvaRing.Estrogen therapy works by repairing tissue and promoting the growth of uterine lining. This also allows your doctor to detect any possibly serious problems.Although many women can get the birth control shot without any complications or issues, it isn’t safe for everyone.