G Desogestrel. Bloedingsperiodes kunnen in lengte toenemen.Vaak (1-10%): hoofdpijn. Desogestrel does not influence the production or the quality (protein, lactose, or fat concentrations) of breast milk. In three patients, increasing bone pain occurred, no doubt relating to changes in bony metastases and requiring analgesia. Stemmingswisselingen, depressieve stemming, afgenomen libido. Typical effects and incidence figures for effective doses in patients with cancers [Megestrol acetate has also proved of value in patients with metastatic prostatic cancer, epithelial ovarian cancer, or malignant melanoma and is therefore used in both sexes. Desogestrel, sold under the brand names Cerazette and Mircette among many others, is a progestin medication which is used in birth control pills for women. Misselijkheid. De anticonceptieve werking berust voornamelijk op remming van de ovulatie. Desogestrel is transformed to 3-keto-desogestrel, which is its only active form, whereas norgestimate is converted to levonorgestrel and levonorgestrel-3-oxime, which are its active forms (Stanczyk, 1997).Etonogestrel (ENG) is the active metabolite of DSG and has been formulated as a subdermal implant for female contraception (Implanon, NV Organon). Its commonest adverse effects are typical of the progestogens as a group, but glucocorticoid-like effects are less prominent than with medroxyprogesterone acetate. It was developed and introduced because of its relatively favorable effect on blood lipids in experimental work; this led to the hope that it might, in the long run, have a relatively favorable effect on the risk of atherogenesis. Desogestrel main therapeutic effect due to its mechanism of action is known to be related to the inhibition of the ovulation in 97% of the cycles. Dysmenorroe, ovariumcysten. Very striking is the high incidence of impotence recorded in these studies, which can affect two-thirds of patients and seems to persist in some patients after withdrawal [Extensive clinical trials and premarketing studies were conducted before the Norplant (levonorgestrel) implant was registered and approved, in order to elucidate its mode of action, effectiveness, and adverse effects. The latter occurs more often in hot humid weather and can rarely proceed to edema, induration, a vesicular rash, residual pigmentation, itching, and erythema [Three patients developed erythema nodosum during estrogen replacement therapy [We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. However, small amounts of etonogestrel are excreted in the breast milk. Braken. Bij optreden van trombo-embolie het gebruik staken.Bij diabetes mellitus is met name gedurende de eerste maanden van inname zorgvuldige controle noodzakelijk.Bij blijvend verhoogde bloeddruk behandeling heroverwegen.Tijdens gebruik van desogestrel zijn sporadisch extra-uteriene zwangerschappen gerapporteerd. De estradiolplasmaconcentratie wordt verlaagd tot een niveau dat overeenkomt met de vroegfolliculaire fase. The mechanism of action of Campral® (acamprosate calcium) Delayed-Release Tablets in maintenance of alcohol abstinence is not completely understood. ketoconazol, itraconazol, claritromycine) kunnen de plasmaspiegel van progestagenen verhogen.Door gebruik van hormonale anticonceptiva kan de plasmaspiegel van lamotrigine dalen en die van ciclosporine stijgen.Gezien de geregistreerde indicatie niet van toepassing. It is well established that desogestrel is a pro-drug and that its progestational action is mediated through one of its metabolites, namely 3-ketodesogestrel. In epidemiologisch onderzoek is een lichte toename van de kans op mammacarcinoom gerapporteerd bij langer durend gebruik van combinatie-OAC. Daarnaast wordt de samenstelling van het cervixslijm veranderd, waardoor zaadcellen minder goed kunnen penetreren. The medication is available and used alone or in combination with an estrogen. Indien deze interactie niet kan worden vermeden, de minipil vervangen door een levonorgestrelbevattend spiraaltje, een koperhoudend spiraaltje of de prikpil. Another patient developed hypercalcemia and one patient developed convulsive epilepsy [When megestrol acetate was used alongside diethylstilbestrol or ethinylestradiol in men with previously untreated metastatic carcinoma of the prostate, there was a high incidence of feminizing adverse effects (70–74%), no doubt attributable to the estrogens; a higher than expected rate of cardiovascular complications (18%) and an unexplained need for cortisone replacement (13%) were also observed [The “morning after” method of suppressing pregnancy is usually less well tolerated than normal hormonal contraception, and variants on the dosage schedule continue to be studied in an attempt to improve tolerability without undermining the reliability of the method.Two regimens for emergency contraception started within 72 hours of unprotected coitus have been studied: (a) the progestogen levonorgestrel in two separate doses each of 0.75 mg; (b) the Yuzpe regimen of combined oral contraceptives—ethinylestradiol 100 micrograms + levonorgestrel 0.5 mg repeated 12 hours later [Implanon, which became available in 1999, is a subdermal implant that contains 68 Diffuse prickly erythema has been attributed to ethinylestradiol in various oral contraceptive formulations.A woman taking an oral contraceptive (Marvelon, ethinylestradiol 30 micrograms + Although the estrogen and progestogen were not tested separately in this patient, the photosensitivity was most probably due to the estrogen, because the oral contraceptives that she used contained ethinylestradiol 30 micrograms with different progestogens, and photosensitivity has been described with estrogens [A 47-year-old postmenopausal woman developed eczematous lesions at the sites of application of an estradiol transdermal system and subsequently at the sites of application of an estradiol gel [Papillomatous melanocytic nevi can be induced by estrogens [When transdermal estrogens are used there can be problems with poor adhesion and skin irritation.