It can also damage your blood vessels. If a person is able to recognise their condition sooner, better management and fewer risks will be likely. Rogaine: “Diabetics can always use Rogaine to help decrease hair loss,” explained Dr. Madan. Some common issues that diabetes can cause include:Diabetes is a chronic condition that can have a wide range of effects on a person’s body. That hair loss isn’t only on your head. Damaged blood vessels may not be able to deliver enough oxygen to nourish your hair follicles. Hair loss from your arms and legs is especially important to report because it could be a sign of poor blood flow.If the hair loss is related to diabetes control, you may need to adjust your diet, lifestyle, or medicine to get a better handle on your blood sugar. Some women are not even aware that they have the condition and a loss of hair can be one of the first signs. Hair loss due to diabetes is a common problem but a rarely discussed issue. Men can also take a pill called finasteride (Propecia) to regrow hair. When you don’t have insulin or it isn’t used effectively, sugar can build up in your blood. After this phase, some of the resting hair falls out.Diabetes can interrupt this process, slowing down your hair growth. You may also lose hair as a side effect of stress from living with a chronic illness, or from medicines you take to treat your diabetes. Individuals with particular concerns about hair loss should ask the doctor for recommendations on how to reduce or stop hair loss.It is vital to speak to a healthcare professional before taking any new medications or supplements or making any significant lifestyle changes.A person should also seek medical attention if they experience any adverse reactions to their hair loss treatment. Whether a man or a woman it is embarrassing to publicly talk about hair fall. In some people, diabetes can cause hair thinning or hair loss. In fact, the older you are, the more difficult it is for the hair to grow back. Background. What You Can Do About Diabetes Hair Loss. Finasteride hasn’t been approved for women to use. However, even when hair loss treatments are effective, most of them are temporary solutions that only work while a person is using them.Some people can slow or stop hair loss that results from diabetes. Regular exercise can help increase blood flow to different parts of the body, including the hair follicles and the upper and lower extremities. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are experiencing bothersome hair loss, talk to your healthcare provider. This lack of oxygen can affect your normal hair growth cycle.Hair usually goes through three phases. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.© 2004-2020 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. That excess sugar can damage organs all over your body, including your eyes, nerves, and kidneys. Several treatments are available, some of which differ for males and females. It is available as an oral tablet that a person needs to take daily. However, people have very different biotin needs, and too much can be harmful, so it is crucial to always speak to a doctor before taking these supplements.Although exercise may not prevent or reverse hair loss, it can help the body maintain good blood circulation. When hair regrows, it does so at a slower-than-normal rate.People with diabetes are more likely to have a condition called Diabetes itself can lead to hair loss. However, it’s also possible that diabetic hair loss is permanent. If you buy something through a link on this page, we may earn a small commission. The United States For alopecia areata, a doctor may recommend steroid injections, a steroid tablet, or another oral immunosuppressant, such as methotrexate or cyclosporine.