While complex generic product is broadly defined by the FDA as drugs that have complex formulations.Because most drugs do not fit into these two categories, they are less of a concern when it comes to choosing between the generic version or name brand.Well, there you have it! Difference In The Inactive Components: Though the active components in generic drugs are similar to the branded drugs active component, the inactive components may vary. only after 20 years.One of the major differences is the difference in the cost. This makes them available at a lower price.The generic drug manufacturers who make the generic drugs available for sale must show that the drugs are bioequivalent to the brand name drugs, i.e. It is true, “A brand name has its own worth.” But it will also be right to say here, “Not everything which is available at a cheaper cost lack quality.” The generic drugs are tested to meet the quality similar to the FDA’s standard. Like the branded drugs, the FDA or the Food and Drug Administration requires to have the same quality and must be tested before making available in the market. One of the major differences is the difference in the cost. The active components in generic drug are similar to the active components in the branded drug. Let us know in the comments! the active ingredients are exactly similar and in the absolute proportion or in exact dose as that of the brand name drugs.As per a report by National Association of Chain Drug Stores done during the year 2008, the average price of the branded drugs came to about $137.90, while it was $35.22 in the generic drugs’ average price.While visiting a doctor for any sort of disease treatment you can ask him to prescribe the generic drugs for the brand name drugs available for your illness or condition. One of the biggest differences is that generic drugs are often cheaper, but even though they’re usually a good deal, people with certain health conditions may want to go with the brand. Our skimmable newsletter is delivered to your inbox each week, giving you 5 things you need to read and get smarter. A lot of us aren’t really sure what the actual difference between generic and name-brand prescription medications is. While we might buy generic drugs to save a few dollars, there’s always a question creeping in the backs of our minds: do theyRecently Buzzfeed spoke to Dr. Joshua Brown, a pharmacist and drug safety researcher for the Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes & Policy at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy and the Center for Drug Evaluation & Safety.A generic version of a name brand drug is a ‘copycat’ product that includes the same active ingredient, but might look different in appearance and may contain other ingredients that are different from those in the original.That makes sense: name-brand Tylenol and the Target brand of Tylenol have the same main ingredient, though they may contain other ingredients that differ. Brown shares that generic drugs make up 90% of the prescriptions that patients receive, which is pretty impressive.Ultimately, he says that if you’re deciding between name-brand and generic, there are two key reasons to go for name-brand: for drugs that have narrow therapeutic indices and could cause serious consequences if they aren’t taken correctly.Narrow therapeutic indices are drugs that, if you change the dose — even a small amount — it can change the safety or effectiveness profile substantially. Primarily the content focuses on the difference between the branded drugs and the generic drugs.Let us first know what exactly branded drugs and the generic drugs mean. This must also be noted that generic drugs are as safe as the branded drugs.Now, here comes our topic of concern in real.