I also had the brain fog so bad I would be in meetings and not know why I was there. My nutritionist wants me to take a 1/2 teaspoon morning and night for 21 days per month but not the first 7 days of my period. I just saw her and she said my hair is back to the normal thick mane that it was and I noticed a HUGE DECREASE in hair loss in the shower. I NEVER take medications ever. And wrote over 50 books. Also, look into bioidentical hormone replacement with estradiol and progesterone from wild yams. Good luck to you honey. When we become hypothyroid our liver becomes compromised and can’t store glycogen properly which makes regulating blood sugar difficult. What are your thoughts? Its not just about giving progesterone but addressing various aspects of the puzzle and personalizing the approach.When it comes to diet most woman not eating foods that are nourishing to the liver. It was quiet a journey, but she was able to get her body on track. and I was worried it was from the combination of the DIM and the cream so I stopped using the cream and my lymph node went back to normal.Yes you can take DIM and bio identical hormones together, progesteroneI know there is ONLY one form of progesterone that “protects” from getting uterine cancer….is it the pill form OR the cream? Well they don’t know anything when it comes to treating autoimmune issues, because there’s a very good chance that it is caused by our beliefs about ourselves and our beliefs about the safety of the universe we live in. Now herein lies part of the problem.If you are constipated chances are very high that your estrogen is going back into circulation. I have thickening of the lining of the womb 7mm but not cancer. One study found that roughly 40% of women with IBS said it affects their This cycle, which spans roughly 28 days, has four stages:IBS worsens as hormone levels fall. Give up dairy specially milk! I took bromocriptin for some time and stopped.just recently, last month, I was diagnosed of low progesterone…what is really happening to my hormones. I can take melatonin for the insomnia. Felt GREAT for a while. An IBS community providing characteristics for diagnosis of symptoms and treatment, forums and chat rooms to talk about ibs, blogs, resource links, brochures, medical tests, book list, penpals, meetings, research … I was put on blood pressure medicine and cholesterol medicine. Any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated! Hope this helps !I sound about identical to you. It started out not oo bad but we always had to increase testoserone because I was still exhausted. It’s not because of my weight either, I don’t think. Question: Could there have been preventive measures taken by blood /salvia test measuring my estrogen levels ? They have me on a progesterone troche, plus weekly 50000 units vit d. My family doctor prescribed me an anxiety pill for attacks, and antidepressant. !i took DIM for some time and it helped me in losing weight. I drink 2 or 3 cups with honey 6 days a week. And yes, you can take DIM with your anti-depressant but I’d bet a mortgage payment you won’t need it.Dim is pretty good for getting rid of anxiety, but it does make you sensitive to coffee and to foods full of estrogen. Really!…And helps me with sleep Though I still wake up at 4am…nonethless…i go to sleep easily & sleep deeply until 4am.. i grind up fennel seeds & other seeds in the coffee grinder & sprinkle them over my meals. I ended up in the ER 3 separate times (severe anxiety and insomnia, extreme thirst and urination, shaking, facial numbness, chest pressure/wheezing, fatigue and muscle weakness in my arms and legs). It sounds like hormone imbalance.