Collapsible aluminium tube and wadless polypropylene cap.30 and 100gm tubes are available (25gm pack is also registered).Patients should be advised to wash their hands after applying Eumovate, unless it is the hands that are being treated.To bookmark a medicine you must sign up and log in.To view the changes to a medicine you must sign up and log in. "eumovate ointment" Epaderm Emollient For Dry Skin - 500g. This amount of cream will cover an area around the same size as the palm of your hand, use this measurement as a guide and reduce if you need to treat a smaller area. In case of accidental ingestion, professional assistance should be sought or a national poison control centre contacted immediately (sHealthcare professionals should be aware that if this product comes into contact with dressings, clothing and bedding, the fabric can be easily ignited with a naked flame. This cream CANNOT be used for this purpose. Eumovate may be used as maintenance therapy between courses of one of the more potent topical steroids.Ointments are especially appropriate for dry, lichenified or scaly lesions.Apply thinly and gently rub in using only enough to cover the entire affected area once or twice a day until improvement occurs, then reduce the frequency of application or change the treatment to a less potent preparation. Both can affect either small areas of skin or more widespread areas all over your body, commonly affecting hands, feet, and the insides of elbows or knees. Do not use this product if you are allergic to clobetasone butyrate or any of the other listed ingredients. on intertriginous areas or under occlusive dressings (in infants the nappy can be considered as an occlusive dressing). This especially applies if you are taking:Eumovate cream is not suitable for use on your face. Co-administered drugs that can inhibit CYP3A4 (e.g. Allow adequate time for absorption after each application before applying an emollient.Therapy with topical corticosteroids should be gradually discontinued once control is achieved and an emollient continued as maintenance therapy.Rebound of pre-existing dermatoses can occur with abrupt discontinuation of topical corticosteroids especially with potent preparations.Continuous daily treatment for longer than four weeks is not recommended. 4.6 out of 5 stars 778. Eumovate cream and ointment are easy to apply, and can be used to treat inflamed skin and skin rash arising from several conditions, including eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis. Therefore the minimum quantity should be used for the shortest duration to achieve the desired clinical benefit.In case of systemic absorption (when application is over a large surface area for a prolonged period) metabolism and elimination may be delayed therefore increasing the risk of systemic toxicity. If you suffer from any allergies, ask your doctor or our pharmacist if this medicine is right for you.Store all medicines out of sight and reach of children.Please read the included leaflet carefully before using this product.Please contact your GP if appropriate regarding this product.For further information on our medication restrictions policy, please If you are concerned about addiction to 'over the counter' medication, we urge you to visit the below links for professional help and advice:Active ingredient: The cream contains Clobetasone butyrate 0.05% w/wOther ingredients: Glycerol, glycerol monostearate, cetostearyl alcohol, beeswax substitute 6621, arlacel 165, dimeticone 20, chlorocresol, sodium citrate, citric acid monohydrate and purified water.If you have dry skin that always seems to happen in the same area and drives you up the wall with that itchy, scratchy feeling, then you could have eczema.But what is eczema, and what makes this condition different from just regular patches of dry skin?Today, we’re going to find out more about eczema, what it is, and what it means for your skin.Having a skin condition is uncomfortable for a number of reasons. They are metabolised, primarily in the liver.Topical corticosteroids are excreted by the kidneys. This was so even when Eumovate was applied to adults in large amounts under whole body occlusion.Clobetasone butyrate is less potent than other available corticosteroid preparations and has been shown not to suppress the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis in patients treated for psoriasis or eczema.Pharmacological studies in man and animals have shown that clobetasone butyrate has a relatively high level of topical activity accompanied by a low level of systemic activity.Topical corticosteroids can be systemically absorbed from intact healthy skin.