Usually eye discharge is a harmless part of your body’s natural defense system, but some cases are serious. And if you're sensitive to eye drops, try using Many babies are born with obstructed tear ducts — the tubes that drain tears from the surface of the eyes to the nasal cavity — causing watery eyes and (sometimes) eye discharge.Symptoms of a blocked tear duct include a constant pooling of tears in the eye (even when the child isn't crying), which can spill onto the cheek. Home Remedies for Eye Infection in Infants. There may also be watery discharge from the eyes. Symptoms of a blocked tear duct include a constant pooling of tears in the eye (even … As common cold is contagious, your baby might get it from the family members who have a cold. A bit of discharge from your eyes is normal. Eye discharge is usually thicker and more pus-like (purulent) in consistency than viral pink eye, and is commonly yellow, green or even gray. If eye allergies are making your eyes watery and irritated, over-the-counter antihistamine eye drops and decongestants may relieve symptoms.Warm compresses placed over your eyes may help relieve symptoms of itching and general eye discomfort, as well as help remove eye goop.If your eyelids are stuck together, the best way to "unglue" your lids is to wet a washcloth in warm water and place it over your eyes for a few minutes before gently wiping away the eye gunk.Follow these simple tips to avoid or manage eye discharge:Refrain from touching your eyes to avoid the onset or spread of an eye infection.Wash your hands frequently, especially if you have contagious pink eye.If you experience eye discharge when wearing contacts, remove your lenses and see your eye doctor. It could be worrisome to you and also cause discomfort to your little one. Crusty eyes occur when discharge from the eye dries on the lids, lashes, or corners of the eye, creating a crusty effect. It primarily consists of thin, watery mucus produced by the Sleep in your eyes usually isn't cause for alarm, but if you notice a difference in consistency, color and quantity of eye gunk, it could indicate an eye infection or disease.Common eye conditions associated with abnormal eye discharge include:In some cases, eyelid crusting can be so severe that it temporarily seals your eye shut.Viral conjunctivitis is highly contagious and is caused by a virus such as the common cold or herpes simplex virus. Join our community to receive newsletters and offers The information on this website is of a general nature and available for educational purposes only and should not be construed as a substitute for advice from a medical professional or health care provider. Although it is recommended that you consult a paediatrician, you can tackle some cases at home. The baby may act fussy and may be irritated. Eye discharge, or "sleep" in your eyes, is a combination of mucus, oil, skin cells and other debris that accumulates in the corner of your eye while you sleep. If you see any of the following kinds of eye discharges in your newborn baby, you must take necessary actions immediately.There might be many reasons for eye discharge in infants, and it could be something as simple as a Around 10 per cent of newborn babies have a condition called a Particles of dust or dirt can get blown into your baby’s eyes leading to teary eye discharge. This infection can occur in one or both the eyes.By now, you are probably wondering if there is treatment available for eye discharge in newborn babies. But if you're seeing green discharge from an eye, it's probably infected and needs to be seen by a doctor. Eye discharge occurs whenever there is excess fluid in the eye. If this doesn’t help, you must take him to a paediatrician.Your baby will not be able to express any discomfort he feels by using words, but there are signs that you can look out for to tackle eye discharge. All About Vision supports the efforts of Essilor Vision Foundation and OneSight to eliminate vision issues including uncorrected refractive error. Let’s find out what you could do if your newborn has eye discharge.As mentioned earlier, you can wipe away the discharge from around the eyes, especially when you notice persistent watery eyes in your baby. Depending on what is causing the eye discharge, additional symptoms may include: Blurred vision It is, therefore, important to keep a close eye on the appearance of the eye discharge. Babies produce eye mucus and may develop eye infections.