All information is for educational purposes only. By using Verywell Health, you accept our At present, Finasteride is only licensed for treatment in men with this condition. This level of hair loss is so insignificant that it’s usually not even noticeable. Finasteride works by blocking androgens, which are a group of hormones that play a role in male traits and reproductive activity. Finasterid wirkt, indem es Androgene blockiert, die eine Gruppe von Hormonen darstellen, die eine Rolle bei männlichen Merkmalen und bei der Fortpflanzungsaktivität spielen. A little bit of hair loss is completely normal. “Depression circumstantially related to the administration of finasteride for androgenetic alopecia”. Wenn Androgene in den Haarfollikeln blockiert werden, verringern PCOS-bedingter Haarausfall und Hirsutismus. 70-80% of women with excess androgens demonstrate hirsutism. Readers are advised to consult a certified medical professional. When androgens in the hair follicles are blocked, PCOS-related hair loss and hirsutism lessen. Even further, there were no adverse effects reported.Do keep in mind that assessments were subjective and, as such, cannot be held up as proof of finasteride’s positive effects on pattern loss in women. And while it’s important to use the lowest dose possible so as to reduce the risk of adverse effects, researchers have studied various dose strengths on women to determine true efficacy of the drug (In one particular study, published in 2013, researchers wanted to see how effective (or not) a 5mg/day dose of finasteride would be on postmenopausal women with AGA.A total of 40 women participated in this study, and all of them received a daily dose of 5mg finasteride for a 18 months.The efficacy of the treatment was evaluated by patient’s satisfaction, as well as global photograph assessment by two independent dermatologists.After 6 months, 22 patients referred significant improvement, 12 referred moderate improvement, and 6 referred no improvement. Bitte folgen Sie den Anweisungen Ihres Arztes.Es ist sehr wichtig, dass Sie während der Einnahme von Finasterid nicht schwanger werden, da ein Risiko für den sich entwickelnden Fetus besteht. This sensitivity triggers follicle miniaturization when the androgen attaches to the follicle’s receptors and this, in turn, can lead to shedding and hair loss.Finasteride doesn’t prevent testosterone or DHT from performing their necessary biological processes. Finasterid wird normalerweise unter den Markennamen Proscar und Propecia vertrieben und ist ein Medikament zur Behandlung von gutartigen Prostatawachstum und männlicher Haarausfall bei Männern. For the treatment of PCOS symptoms, finasteride (Propecia) may be prescribed in a dosage ranging between 1 mg and 5 mg. Finasteride (Propecia) is a category X drug during pregnancy, meaning that it is known to cause birth defects in male foetuses. I’ll connect the dots between Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA) and female pattern hair loss, and I’ll also discuss the various scientific studies that outline the use of finasteride in the treatment of alopecia in women.Finally, I’ll highlight a few alternative treatment options for women.Finasteride, more commonly known by its brand name Propecia, is an oral drug used in the treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA) (The drug was originally developed for use in Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH), and it was FDA approved for this purpose in 1992 under the name Proscar.However, an unexpected side effect of its use was hair growth. Taking the medication has been shown to decrease DHT levels by up to 70%. This enzyme regulates the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which has been shown to have a harmful effect on hair follicles. Finasteride has been found to cross the blood-brain barrier. While Finasteride has a low set of side-effects associated with it, the drug does have a feminizing effect on a male fetus. Aus diesem Grund wird empfohlen, die Hormontherapie länger als 6 Monate zu geben, um voll wirksam zu sein. However, not all women with AGA have high androgen levels and, because of this, it makes sense that they wouldn’t respond to the treatment.As highlighted by the three studies above, there is proof that an oral daily dose of finasteride may contribute to decreased hair loss and increased hair growth.