Side effects and some of the interactions also help us decide from the Nasonex vs Flonase.So by considering all the points, you can decide which drug will be able to relieve you allergic symptoms better even though all the anti-allergic drugs work almost the same way but you should discuss it with a doctor instead of changing your own medication.Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.Codeine vs hydrocodone – Which One is the Best Pain Relief Drug Another difference is that Flonase is available in a generic form. Lauren Van Scoy, MD, is a board-certified physician in internal medicine, pulmonary medicine, and critical care. Following are the side effects that are common in both of these drugsNow coming towards the side effects of Nasonex vs Flonase we must know Nasonex can be responsible for the viral infection and nose sores while Flonase can be responsible for asthma-like symptoms and nausea. Another reason that how Flonase is the better drug versus the Nasonex is that it also helps to relieve the eye symptoms like the itchy or watery eye or any other type of the allergic reactions in the eye. Sometimes this can be very confusing, especially because inhalers are often changed due to clinician preference, insurance coverage, or other reasons. Compare Flonase vs. Mometasone, which is better for uses like: Allergy, Eczema and Congestion. Patients rated Mometasone 4.3/5 over Flonase 3.6/5 in overall satisfaction. Fluticasone Propionate Topical cream drug summary. When inhaled it is used for the long term management of asthma and COPD. Many sources list nasal steroids as the first line option for the treatment of allergic rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal passages). Flonase can also treat eye symptoms, such as itchy, watery eyes, from both types of rhinitis. She is an assistant professor and attending physician at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York, NYThe Most Frequently Recommended Options for Treating Moderate COPDHow to Correctly Use and Maintain a Spiriva HandiHalerUse These Methods to Boost Your Exercise Tolerance If You Have COPDShould You Use Your Bronchodilator or Steroid Inhaler First? Most of the anti-allergy drugs are available over the counter which means you don’t have to get a prescription to buy them but the ones that have the potential to be misused are the prescription-only drugs.Nasonex and Flonase are the anti-allergy medications that are used to reduce the symptoms of the allergic rhinitis. Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); 2006-. However, the dose is usually not more than 1000 mcg two times per day. By using Verywell Health, you accept our Visit for more details. The allergy could be of different types and the reason behind the allergy is also different like some people suffer from the seasonal allergy and some of them suffer from the dust allergy etc. If you notice that you take more than one medicine in the same class, ask your physician to review your prescriptions. Flonase, on the other hand, is the brand name of the anti-allergy drug known as the fluticasone propionate and it also treats in the treatment of the allergic rhinitis and it reduces the inflammation by inhibition of the substances that cause inflammation upon release.Nasonex vs. Flonase comparison helps people understand which one is better for them based on their condition and the type of the allergic reactions they are going through. Read our Below is our attempt to help understand which inhalers can and should be used together, and which ones should not be used together.