More infos:N/A. Do not Plant in October In fact, Genovese basil uses are much the same as with any other sweet basil plant. It is a member of the Allium family along with onions and leeks; Calamondin Limes The Calamondin lime is a cross between a sour, loose skinned mandarin and a kumquat, therefore technically making it an orangequat. Do not Sow in January Genovese basil plants can grow 2- to 3-feet (.61-.91 m.) high. Do not Harvest in December Genovese basil (in Ligurian language baxaicò or baxeicò) is a cultivar of Ocimum basilicum (sweet basil). Offers Plants Do not Plant in January Do Harvest in September The wild ramp, AKA wild leek, botanical name Allium tricoccum, is a flowering perennial plant that grows in clusters. Do not Harvest in April The chances are that you know very well the taste of Genovese Basil. Like other Genovese basil growing requirements are the same as any basil plant. There are many varieties to choose from, however, some of which have been bred to withstand cooler conditions.Basil ‘Sweet Genovese’ is considered to be one of the best varieties of aromatic basil, hailed for its sweet-flavoured leaves and soft texture. Related plants: History. 2-for-1 Gardens Thai basil taste is milder than Genovese basil. Do not Plant in April Reviews Plants will grow in a full, bushy form if the If Genovese basil plants do go to flower though, the flowers can be harvested and used in recipes that call for basil. Do not Harvest in January Do not Plant in September Moreover, Thai Basil has an extra aroma of licorice with spicy touch in addition to the anise background flavor that shares with the Genovese variety. Genovese basil has a distinct and robust taste that is a mix of anise, peppery, and a bit sweet. However, basil flowers are said to have a much more concentrated basil flavor and scent, so they should be used sparingly. Do not Sow in October Do not Harvest in May Its vigorous, large leaves have a sweet, slightly spicy flavor. Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. ---Description---Common or Sweet Basil which is used in medicine and also for culinary purposes, especially in France, is a hairy, labiate plant, growing about 3 feet high. Basil, Sweet. Do not Sow in February Indeed, even if you did not grow it before you might have encountered and eaten in a large variety of dishes. Do not Plant in February In older times, basil was planted in window boxes or windowsill pots to keep flies out.Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: No reported toxicity to The two names are interchangeable. Description. Do not Sow in September The name comes from the Italian word “Genoese”, meaning originating from the region of Genoa, Italy where it is still grown today. Sign up for our newsletter. Genovese Basil. The stem is obtusely quadrangular, the labiate flowers are white, in whorls in the axils of the leaves, the calyx with the upper …