Judge Kuhl’s decision paves the way for Ben Crump, a nationally renowned civil rights attorney, to move forward with a federal lawsuit against Gilead. “You have a multi-billion-dollar company who the judge told had to have a jury of regular people hold them accountable, because these giant … All rights reserved. Those who believe they may have been injured by Gilead TDF antiviral medications, Viread, Truvada, Atripla, Complera and/or Stribild, can seek additional details at the following toll-free number: 888-984-7988 or visit masstortreport.com. Since 2001, Gilead has marketed TDF as a safe and effective treatment for patients with HIV, all the while knowing that an alternative tenofovir alafenamide fumarate (TAF) formula could offer patients the same therapeutic benefits as TDF at a fraction of the dose, thereby posing a much lower risk of side effects. However, the drug maker allegedly placed its desire to increase profits ahead of consumer safety, and withheld the safer alternative for years, until the patent protections expired on TDF drugs and generic equivalents were introduced that would have cut into sales.“Gilead forced patients into treatment with TAF-based FDCs by intentionally degrading some of its key products. Gilead HIV Drug Class Action Lawsuit Alleges Drug Maker Inflated Prices Through Illegal Scheme That Withheld Safer Treatments January 27, 2020 Refusing to reduce the dosage in the TDF version artificially magnified the safety differences between it and the TAF-based version, helping Gilead to drive patients to the TAF version and its much longer No-Generics Restraint.”The company did not begin to sell TAF-designed drugs until 2015, which extended Gilead’s essential monopoly on HIV treatments until 2032. This website provides a free matching service and is not responsible for information or services from third party providers. Atripla Lawsuit Attorney. TDF has also been linked to bone fractures, bone density loss and bone necrosis, among other severe complications. Lawsuits against Gilead have been filed in California, Washington, D.C., and Louisiana. Atripla; Complera; Stribild; TDF Side Effects. As HIV patients taking TDF-based drugs begin to realize that their kidney and bone injuries may be related to their treatment, the number of lawsuits filed against Gilead over injuries stemming from the use of Truvada, Viread, Complera, Stribild and Atripla continues to grow. One of the plaintiffs was diagnosed in 2013 with HIV and prescribed Atriplia which he continued to take until 2017. If you or someone you love has suffered serious side effects after using a TDF-based HIV drug like Truvada, Viread, Complera, Atripla or Stribild, you may be eligible for compensation from Gilead through a product liability lawsuit.Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), sold under the brand names Truvada, Viread and others, is a prescription oral antiretroviral medication used to treat HIV/AIDS and chronic hepatitis B. TDF can’t cure HIV or AIDS, but it has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to help patients with HIV live longer, healthier lives. While generic versions have been introduced, Gilead now markets TAF drugs as a safer and superior alternative, preserving the profits generated from the brand-name medications.The lawsuit joins a growing number of individual complaints filed by plaintiffs nationwide, who say they suffered All of the complaints raise similar allegations that consumers and the medical community have not been adequately warned about the potentially toxic side effects of TDF drugs used for treatment of HIV.Kidney and bone injuries linked to the HIV drugs Truvada, Viread, Atripla, Complera and Stribild may have been avoided.Side effects of Elmiron have been associated with vision loss and retina damage known as pigmentary maculopathy.Exposure to firefighting foam chemicals may result in an increased risk of cancer for firefighters, military and airport personnel.Side effects of Zantac may increase the risk of cancer, due to chemical impurities found in the heartburn drug.Side effects of Belviq may increase the risk of cancer, resulting in a diet drug recall and lawsuits.Women have reported problems where Paragard IUD fractured or broken during removal, resulting in serious injury.Side effects of recalled valsartan may increase the risk of cancer, due to an impurity discovered in certain generic versions of the hypertension drug.Recalled Medtronic MiniMed insulin pumps have been linked to reports of hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia and other serious injuries.Nicotine addiction and severe lung injuries from JUUL and vaping products have resulted in lawsuits against manufacturers of e-cigarettes.Talcum powder or talc powder may cause women to develop ovarian cancer.Problems with 3M Combat Arms earplugs have resulted in cases of military hearing loss.This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Provide additional contact information if you want an attorney to review your comments and contact you about a potential case.