Neem dan contact op met uw apotheker of arts.U moet tijdens uw zwangerschap onder strikte controle blijven. However, literature indicates that levonorgestrel is rapidly and completely absorbed after oral administration (bioavailability about 100%) and is not subject to first pass metabolism.After a single dose of Plan B (0.75 mg) administered to 16 women under fasting conditions, maximum serum concentrations of levonorgestrel were 14.1 + 7.7 ng/mL (mean + SD) at an average of 1.6 + 0.7 hours.Effect of Food: The effect of food on the rate and the extent of levonorgestrel absorption following single oral administration of Plan B has not been evaluated.The apparent volume of distribution of levonorgestrel is reported to be approximately 1.8 L/kg. U kunt dan zelf inschatten of u er veel last van krijgt. Sometimes a second daily dose is required. In het algemeen schrijft uw arts eerst metformine voor, een andere glucoseverlager. 03 03 16 Patients changing from biguanides: Glibenclamide treatment should be started with 2.5mg of glibenclamide and biguanide withdrawn. Neem daarom contact op met uw arts zodra u zwanger bent of dit binnenkort wilt worden. U mag dit medicijn gebruiken, zoals uw arts heeft voorgeschreven. Als algemene richtlijn geldt niet meer dan twee glazen alcohol per dag. It may be used with other antidiabetic medication. The majority of women (87%) had their next menstrual period at the expected time or within + 7 days, while 13% had a delay of more than 7 days beyond the anticipated onset of menses.Plan B (levonorgestrel) tablets, 0.75 mg, are available for a single course of treatment in PVC/aluminum foil blister packages of two tablets each. It is recommended that it be taken together with diet and exercise. In addition, it may inhibit implantation (by altering the endometrium). A variety of risk factors need to be examined when … The usual starting dose for Glibenclamide is 2.5 – 5mg which can be increased if necessary. Take one tablet of Plan B orally as soon as possible within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse or a known or suspected contraceptive failure. Dit medicijn voldoet dan niet. Please note for the minimum order for Exports is of US$ 100. The editorial team reserves the right to review and moderate the comments posted on the site.Your comments are automatically posted once they are submitted. Up to 10% of pregnancies reported in clinical studies of routine use of progestin-only contraceptives are ectopic.A history of ectopic pregnancy is not a contraindication to use of this emergency contraceptive method. alleen met medicatie van een apotheek.Heeft u dit medicijn niet in een apotheek gekocht? Of zoek handmatig naar uw medicijn Glibenclamide package insert. The Plan B brand name has been discontinued in the U.S. This content cannot be displayed without JavaScript. It is not recommended for use by itself in diabetes mellitus type 1. Deze tekst is gebaseerd op de bijsluiter van het beschreven medicijn en op andere, wetenschappelijke bronnen. Het gevolg is dat niet alle glucose wordt opgeslagen en de hoeveelheid glucose in uw bloed stijgt.Als dit niet voldoende helpt, zal uw arts meestal een glucoseverlagend medicijn voorschrijven. Plan B is believed to act as an emergency contraceptive principally by preventing ovulation or fertilization (by altering tubal transport of sperm and/or ova). Drink de alcohol wel op een gevulde maag, anders is het effect op de bloedglucose te sterk.Dit medicijn heeft wisselwerkingen met andere medicijnen.Twijfelt u eraan of een van bovenstaande wisselwerkingen voor u van belang is? Metabolic clearance rates may differ among individuals by several-fold, and this may account in part for the wide variation observed in levonorgestrel concentrations among users.About 45% of levonorgestrel and its metabolites are excreted in the urine and about 32% are excreted in feces, mostly as glucuronide conjugates.Pediatric: This product is not intended for use in the pediatric (pre-menarcheal) population, and pharmacokinetic data are not available for this population.Geriatric: This product is not intended for use in postmenopausal women and pharmacokinetic data are not available for this population.Race: No formal studies have evaluated the effect of race on pharmacokinetics of Plan B.