For both adults and children, side effects with Singulair are generally mild and not very common. Usually the written prescription will list the DEA number; if it doesn’t you may have to ask your vet’s office.If you have your vet call the prescription in to the pharmacy of your choice, the pharmacy will get it from them.Easier yet – download the GoodRx App to your cell phone. (you will still need to give them a written prescription or have your vet call it in)Discount pet meds are a valuable trend for thrify pet owners; as mentioned in the introduction, GoodRx saved me $225 on one doxycycline prescription.Another story I heard was for a Gabapentin prescription. What has hurt people is the cost. It adds up fast!I have found GoodRx to be hit or miss on pet specific medications, It is still worth trying GoodRx to explore your options for buying the pet meds online; if nothing else it can help identify a pet pharmacy that carries the med you need.For example: Heartgard, Dasuquin, and Trifexis aren’t approved for human use, but you can still type them in and GoodRx will find the best online pet pharmacy price for that specific pet med. That’s a savings of $2,160 PER YEAR. After hearing it would cost $170 at her local Walgreens, the dog owner checked GoodRx, and picked up the I have a friend whose dog has epilepsy. Learn how to raise your dog naturally, using holistic & natural products and training methods. Take the tablets and the container with you so the expert knows what they’re working with!A clinic may administer activated charcoal to absorb the poisons — hopefully before more is released into your dog’s bloodstream. The FDA decided to add a new black box warning to this medication, the most prominent warning it can impose. Your pet, and your wallet, will thank you! If he lives to be 11 (he’s a golden retriever) that’s a savings of over $19,000. In the drop-down menus, specify the form (tablet, capsule, etc. Your vet must approve and guide you through the treatment.Side effects can occur whenever an animal is put on Montelukast or any antileukotriene class drug for that matter. So for that one prescription, I saved a whopping $225.My vet was shocked when I told him, he said the price I paid was less than his Sales of pet prescriptions reached $9 billion in 2018, and that number is expected to grow.GoodRx was founded in 2010 by Doug Hirsch. GoodRx Prescription Discounts for Pets GoodRx works for pet meds (too). This is due to serious mental health side effects associated with this drug. While canines obviously experience allergic reactions and sometimes asthma or even bronchitis, unfortunately there isn’t a well-documented track record when it comes to animals taking Montelukast (the generic name).Go it alone and this prescription medication could be a bad idea as side effects are a concern — some of which can be serious.Though this drug is not commonly used, Montelukast can actually be obtained in flavored oral suspension form for asthmatic dogs.Veterinarians, those who utilize Singulair, usually do not exceed 4mg per pound of the dog’s body weight.Your dog could suffer from the following due to misuse:Consult with a professional before using any type of Montelukast on your dog.This Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist (LTRA) is not a popular medication for pets. She and her husband were paying over $3,000/year for prescriptions, just to keep his seizures from getting out of control.When I heard about it, I told her to check GoodRx to see if she could find better prices.They now get the same medications for $840/year. You can compare those prices with the price at your vet.GoodRx also informs you if the medication manufacturer has coupons or rebates on their website.There will be some pet specific medications that don’t yield any results on your GoodRx search.