Advertising prescription collection and delivery services is not permitted. These guidelines are in place to help protect patients and avoid confusion around what it means to participate in a clinical trial.Though not required, the FDA also recommends that ads include the following information to help patients make the decision to take part in a trial:Depending on the ad platform, you may not want to include all of that information in a single ad. Your request has been submitted. Advertising prescription collection and delivery services is not allowed. An egregious violation of the Google Ads policies is a violation so serious that it is unlawful or poses significant harm to our users. See We take violations of this policy very seriously and consider them egregious. Follow these tips to ensure your materials are complying with typical IRB guidelines to give you the best shot at approval, while connecting with patients, too.Materials that must be submitted to your Institutional Review Board (IRB):Materials that do not have to submitted to your IRB:In general, outreach materials should not be considered overly coercive. Some content is only available in specific regions, so be sure to check the Google allows pharmaceutical manufacturers to advertise in select countries only.Pharmaceutical manufacturers may promote prescription drugs in the following countries only: Canada, New Zealand, United States. Of course, that can be a relatively subjective judgement, and every IRB is different. Узнайте у врача." A warning will be issued, at least 7 days, prior to any suspension of your account. "Safe ways to go are depicting empathy or empowerment, which can be just as effective and are less likely to get your ad rejected," says Ambrose.Beyond adhering to FDA guidelines, it's also important to create advertising materials that connect with patients. When creating clinical trial advertising materials, it's important to craft outreach copy that connects with patients. Clinical Trials of Texas Inc. Some healthcare-related content can’t be advertised at all, while others can only be advertised if the advertiser is certified with Google and targets only approved countries. While some eligibility criteria may need to be confirmed or further evaluated at the site level, such as disease symptoms or lab test results, online pre-screening through a patient recruitment company can help save your sites time by connecting with patients who are already more likely to be qualified. Advertising prescription collection and delivery services is not permitted. Google allows users to search the Web for images, news, products, video, and other content. To determine whether an advertiser is promoting an online pharmacy, we consider a number of factors such as the content of your ads and site or app, as well as the products or services that you offer. Radio and newspaper advertisements for trials researching common conditions such as type 2 diabetes or asthma, for example, may be more effective than traditional advertising for rare conditions. These landing pages – which do require IRB approval – can be shared across different advertising channels to help identify patients who may qualify for your trial. Alternatively, you can Google doesn't allow the promotion of the following content, irrespective of any claims of legality:Google does not allow the promotion of DHEA products anywhere except the United States, and Google does not allow the promotion of Melatonin products anywhere except Canada and the United States.For additional information on the unapproved or misleading pharmaceuticals and supplements that we monitor, please visit Most ads are reviewed within 1 business day, though some can take longer if they need a more complex review.Or, if it's important to keep targeting your existing locations, follow the steps below to make your ad and destination comply.Most ads are reviewed within 1 business day, though some can take longer if they need a more complex review.Google does not allow ads for prescription opioid painkillers except for those that are intended for use as medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder and meet all other requirements pertaining to prescription drugs listed on this page.In limited cases, and where permitted by local law, Google allows exceptions to this policy for (a) public health and safety awareness campaigns from governmental or well-established non-profit health advocacy organizations, (b) ads for non-opioid pharmaceuticals that only refer to prescription opioids in their safety information, and (c) certified addiction treatment providers in the United States.If you would like to apply for such an exception, please Google doesn't allow the promotion of clinical trial recruitment except in Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, and Vietnam.Promotions for clinical trial recruitment may not promote prescription drugs or create misleading expectations or effects of a product being tested, or imply that the product being tested is safe.Or, if it's important to keep targeting your existing locations, follow the steps below to make your ad and site or app comply.Most ads are reviewed within 1 business day, though some can take longer if they need a more complex review.Google prohibits the promotion of HIV home tests everywhere in the world except in the United States, France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.