“In most cases it can be attributed to gynecomastia, however, it should be mentioned that male breast cancer is a rare cancer that can form in the breast tissue of men.” Yes. Gynecomastia does not mean that someone has extra fat from being overweight. No. It depends on how things progress. Gynecomastia is defined as benign proliferation of glandular breast tissue in men. Gynecomastia is more complicated to treat than pseudogynecomastia, because it requires not only surgical removal of the excess breast tissue, but also treatment of the underlying hormonal imbalance. "Husband Sleeping at the Wheel" Meme Goes Viral. If you’re wondering how to know if you have gynecomastia, here I present you a way to diagnose yourself. It is caused by additional breast tissue. Reddit Is Exploding With People Revealing the Moments They Knew Divorce Was Coming The bottom line is that guys who have man boobs should speak with their doctors, to ensure that the extra tissue there is only fat and not a telltale sign of a hormonal imbalance—or something even worse. Lebowitz Plastic Surgery, Long Island Gynecomastia Center 24,766 views 6:28 Please contact Oops! I hope this disclosure will demonstrate my intent to run an honest and reputable business. Please contact ↓ Get the best of Fatherly in your inbox I’m Matt – 41 years old former gynecomastia sufferer.To learn more about me and why I run this website check my To have a chance to remove your man breast you must know what do you really have.There’s a big difference between gynecomastia and normal chest fat. If the other body parts have an excess of fat accumulation, it is obvious that the same would be found on the chest area. But these men have additional glandular tissue to contend with, which comes from hormonal imbalances that can exist due to anabolic steroid or synthetic hormone use (and abuse), hormone blockers, antidepressants, thyroid problems, kidney failure, and  is more complicated to treat than pseudogynecomastia, because it requires not only surgical removal of the excess breast tissue, but also treatment of the underlying hormonal imbalance.“Any changes in breast characteristics in men should be assessed by your physician,” Perez recommends. Hi. On one hand, unilateral gynecomastia refers to the condition where only one of the breasts is noticeably larger than the other. If you’re wondering how to know if you have gynecomastia, here I present you a way to diagnose yourself.All men have breast tissues in their body, which respond appropriately to the presence of specific hormones, which make them grow or not.The amount of testosterone present in men’s bodies throughout their lives usually is much higher than women, and also comparatively higher than estrogen in their bodies; hence their breasts normally stay small.Any time there is a change in testosterone and estrogen level in a man’s body, with the former declining and the latter rising, the breast tissue responds to such changes and starts growing.Breast tissue formation in men can lead to a painfully embarrassing condition, clinically referred to as gynecomastia.This condition might range from slight puffiness in the nipple to something that’s pretty much like a well-grown woman’s breast.In case you’ve been noticing that your pectoral area hasn’t been as well-toned as it once used to be, you might be suffering from gynecomastia.Although you might experience proper enlargement of breast tissues, it could also be This happens because of fatty tissue buildup on the chest’s wall, behind the nipple, and is referred to as pseudo-gynecomastia.The diagnosis is normally made when a man first notices a certain degree of swelling up in his nipples.This might be initially evident with the nipples pointing out, and then areola – the area surrounding the nipples, becoming more prominent.The swelling in the breast might then start spreading, causing the formation of a more prominent man boob.You must understand if you’ve been undergoing any hormonal changes in your body, as that might be causing such breast formation; something that’s normal during the growing up years.As per familydoctor.org, a website powered by American Academy of Family Pediatricians (AAFP), around 65% of all 14-year-old boys witness breast tissue formation during these growing up years.This condition commonly resolves itself within a time span of 1 to 2 years.So in case you’re a young boy and have experienced a sudden growth of breasts, it could be because of your changing hormone levels, which most likely will regulate themselves on their own over a period.So, if you’re not in your teens and are a grown-up man who also has excess fat deposits in other body parts, it might make sense for fat to accumulate in your chest area too.Just because male chests typically don’t hold much fat, any such fat deposits can become particularly noticeable.It could also be that you might be experiencing hormonal changes in your body because of It’s crucial that you carry out a self-examination of your chest area to understand if the visible signs are that of chest fat or gynecomastia.