Unauthorized use and/or duplication of material (text, photos or both) without express and written permission from this blog’s author and owner Anjana Devasahayam is strictly prohibited. Just soak them for a longer time. Thanks for visiting Thank you Namrata. Basil seeds (known as sabja or tukmaria) – 6 tbsp; Milk – 2 cups, slightly warmed; Sugar – 3-4 tbsp; Blueberry compote/sauce – 1/2 cup, chilled (Find recipe here) Fresh strawberries – 1 lb, washed, hulled and chopped; How to: Take milk in a large bowl. Keep pudding chilled till serving time and add a splash of milk just before serving to loosen it a bit. I saw your link at That DIY Party.That looks perfect for this time of year! I hope you try it!Yes I love chia seeds but am intrigued to try yours I did see them online on Amazon, but they are rather expensive. !I may have let out a little scream of glee when I started spotting this season’s strawberries. Simply soak a small amount in lukewarm milk (or water) and watch them swell up right before your own eyes. I don’t believe I’ve ever eaten basil seeds, but because of your attractive display, I am very willing to try. How do you use them? Add the sabja or basil seeds and stir well. Chia seeds are a bit larger, more oval in shape, and come in a variety of colours, including grey, brown, white and black.Both seeds offer certain nutritional benefits, but it’s generally thought that chia seeds are ‘better’ for you as they contain antioxidants, fibre, calcium, protein and many other key minerals. Honestly, for the past few years, I only seem to recollect or draw parallels from animated characters. Make sure to read our Privacy Policy page.© The blog and its contents, At The Corner Of Happy And Harried, 2013-2018. Stay tuned!Tell me, have you heard of sabja seeds? I do hope you find them in a health store nearby. This component can help in fat boosting metabolism. What a pretty dish! See this post for more details. In 10 minutes, they will swell up to the maximum, absorb all the liquid and become gelatinous. Just one question… do basil seeds have the same texture as the chia seeds? Did you find sabja at Indian store?Yes, I did. We use sabja and not chia seeds in falooda and other beverages. Makhija mentioned, “Chia has no taste of its own, thus adapts to any dish, while The seeds actually look quite different when you compare them. Chia seeds are a bit larger, more oval in shape, and come in a variety of colours, including grey, brown, white and black. Basil seeds are black, tiny and round. No spam ever. This sounds delicious and refreshing. Clearing the air, dietitian So, if you were ever confused about them, here is everything you need to know.There seems to be a lot of confusion between the two; with some people even thinking they are one and the same, acknowledged Kaur, adding that she receives lots of queries regarding basil and In reality, there are a lot of key differences between the two seeds, both experts pointed out.Basil seeds cannot be eaten without first being soaked in water for at least a couple of hours. Sabja seeds are perfect for fat loss If you tired for trying several ways to lose weight, then give this wonder seed a try and we bet you will be amazed to see the magic. And here’s the reason for that.See those beady little things that kind of look like chia seeds? In Texas, we start way earlier than the rest of the country and I am thankful for that. Congratulations! Then it’s milkshakes, popsicles, ice creams, puddings, breads and what-not all the time at our home… much to the amusement of the […][…] Sabja or tukmaria are the seeds of the Thai holy basil plant, used in many beverages like you would use chia seeds. […]Subscribe to get delicious updates delivered to your inbox. We have no local Indian shops so I wonder if I might find that in my local health store hrmmm! When it comes to immunity-boosting foods, many people wonder whether chia seeds are basil or sabja as both look similar at first glance. For now, I made these layered pudding cups. I am craving these Spring/Summer flavors!! “I don’t want those black things”, he said in his best indignant tone. Kids are so funny. Basil seeds are black, tiny and round. I love the idea of mixing basil with dessert! Sabja Seeds Recipes: Sabja seeds blends well with any drink as it is very bland. Aditi's Kitchen 5,766,144 views