Plus, it's packed with essential nutrients, like vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, so it won't dry out your skin no matter how many times you reapply.This pocket-sized spray provides 60% alcohol concentration with every spritz, but it doesn’t dry out skin or leave it sticky, thanks to a nourishing vegan formula that features marula oil, If your nose is easily irritated by powerful fragrances, this neutral, unscented option keeps the focus on killing germs with an ultra-effective 75% alcohol composition, and a high coverage rate that spans large areas quickly.Its durable spray-style packaging is tough enough to freely toss into your tote with fearing a leaky explosion, and a child-resistant twist-lock spray tip will prevent potential accidents if left in the wrong hands.We love how portable this spray hand sanitizer is. “Aloe Vera and glyceryl ester make this fast-drying mist easy on my hands even though it contains 67% ethyl alcohol” says Wizemann.One of GHI moms' favorite brands for babies, Pipette has recently launched a 65% alcohol hand sanitizer. It's packaged in a recyclable and reusable glass bottle to help protect the environment, too. “Hand sanitizers are a convenient and effective way of cleaning your hands if soap and water aren’t available,” she told us in an email. This topical, clean-feeling hand sanitizer won't chill you out the way an ingestible can — but it The products on our list include gel, wipe, and spray options. This one from sustainable brand by Humankind not only contains a fast-drying formula that's fortified with a 65% alcohol concentration, but also anti-aging hyaluronic acid to help skin hold its moisture. You now probably use the on-the-go germ-killer several times a day, and if you do find a stash on the drugstore shelves, it feels like winning the lottery. Each bottle is just 2 ounces, and you'll get six in a pack. Finding a pack of hand-sanitizing wipes these days is like discovering Willy Wonka's Golden Ticket—but if you spot these 62% alcohol wipes, be sure to grab a box. Individuals should rub their hands together for about 15-30 seconds covering all surfaces with hand sanitizer until the hands are dry, and then apply a moisturizer," says Dr. Nelson. It meets the CDC’s hand hygiene recommendations, and you can get a bulk pack of its large 32 ounce bottles for just $18 Like all the True Botanical products, this 65% alcohol hand sanitizer is  Zarah Kavarana is the contributing editor at, where she spends her days hunting for shareworthy home, tech, fashion, beauty, and lifestyle finds, and resisting the urge to add them all to her cart. Not only do they come in a variety of appealing scents (we love Lemon Verbena and Lavender Fields), but they also have a handy loop that attaches easily to your purse or keychain.Purell, formulated with aloe and vitamin E, is the classic sanitizer you probably already have in your handbag; our testers agreed this is their go-to product. The pretty little packets fit in any pocket or purse, and the lavender essential oils calm you down while it cleans you up.This sprtitz uses moisturizing glycerin, soothing eucalyptus, antibacterial tea tree oil (along with 62% ethyl alcohol) to create a blend that won't leave fingers sticky. These hand sanitizers are made using a non-sticky formula and its small size ensures that it easily slips into your bag to ensure that you stay germ-free all day long. Whenever you need germ protection, you can squirt the hand sanitizer on your palm. "It does the job, and that is what counts," wrote one of our panelists about this wallet-friendly classic. Science and efficacy aside, a 70% alcohol-based hand sanitizer can be incredibly drying on your hands. We found the best hand sanitizers to buy now, according to professionals and CDC guidelines. "The essential-oil-based scents smell more like body products than the strong alcohol aroma of other formulas," Franzino adds. The brand claims that you can use it more than 50 times a day and Perhaps an unexpected pick from popular hair care brand CHI, this sizable hand sanitizer contains 77% ethyl alcohol for germ-busting peace of mind. Each container is made with 50% post-consumer recycled plastic, and the brand incorporates recycled materials into their packaging whenever possible.If fragrances tend to irritate your eyes or make you sneeze, then this hand sanitizer is for you. This hand sanitizer may not smell luxurious, but it We love the formula of this hand sanitizer — it contains If you're worried about adding even more plastic to landfills with endless bottles of hand sanitizer, then consider this pick from Every Man Jack. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. This 63% alcohol containing gel, with aloe leaf juice to keep hands soft, was also given props for being easy to apply and absorbing quickly without dripping on the floor.GH Beauty Director April Franzino likes this 62% alcohol spritz for its no-mess application and quick-drying formula—she even uses it to spray on shopping-cart handles.