If you’re experiencing a medical issue, please contact a healthcare professional or dial 911 immediately. Will this improve with time? 2 … As a plastic surgeon specializing in gynecomastia surgery, I spend a lot of time answering patient questions through emails and various internet forums. My chest still seems swollen and nipples pointy. Here we'll get into the particularities and traits of … In my practice this is not done frequently, however, when it is, it can take sometimes require 2 or 3 injections spaced 1 month apart to fully dissipate the scar. The most important thing is not whether it can be felt, but whether it can be seen. I also feel hardness on my chest? my surgeon didn't think it was necessary to drain it. There may be some stitches which need to be removed post-surgery. Members. As a plastic surgeon specializing in gynecomastia surgery, I spend a lot of time answering patient questions through emails and various internet forums. Online. If it is a hematoma , can you please suggest how to get rid of this with natural remediesI want to know if the look will get better by time or going to stay like that? Started by RyanMace on Gynecomastia Talk. Now not every lump needs to be treated. One of the most common topics of conversation is feeling firm lumps after surgery. It was very well done. greyness around one side of the nipple. There is a simple way to differentiate what the lumps after surgery are: 3.6k. Posted by Dr. Dadvand April 17, 2015. 8 Replies 5771 Views Last post: May 16, 2008, 10:31:38 PM by MSJ108 : please help! This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to gynecomastia. But the hard lump makes me think the scar tissue is here to stay. help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. A gynecomastia surgery procedure includes the following steps: Anesthesia. This is extremely rare. The operation has completed the period of one month...Im 10 weeks post op and i still have hardness under my nipples and flex i flex my pec i have depression on the right nipple, please help me what can i do, i was operated by a general surgeon and he did told me he left a little bit of gland tissue to prevent depressionI had a gynecomsatia smart lipo 6 month ago, i can see that my chest has gotten smaller (one side more than the other). or a couple of man boobs! Gynecomastia surgery side effects. Only, and only if these two techniques do not help, do I then recommend surgery to remove the scar. Hard lumps behind my nipple after surgery? And what do you think of my surgery? When tissue is excised at the site of incision, a postsurgical seroma can emerge. i have hard lumps 3.5 days post surgery Started by bbuilder85 on Post Surgery and Healing After Surgery. 1. You can either opt for intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. 8 weeks post op gynecomastia, hardness below incision side, above pic is pre & below is post-op. The goal of this study was to analyze patient demographics, outcomes, and complication rates of gynecomastia surgery in a large multi-institutional cohort. I can also feel some hardness around the nipple. Is this normal? If there is no improvement with this technique then careful kenalog injections can be performed to break up the scar tissue. Hi friends I underwent Gynecomastia surgery . Like all major surgeries, for gynecomastia to you have to undergo anesthesia to keep you comfortable, while you are being operated upon. Today (four days after surgery) I am writing some practical facts and points which I faced , these may help you as well . I noticed some discoloration i.e. I recommend, however, that patients wait six months to perform this surgery to allow not only proper assessment of what to remove, but also allow the original surgical area to settle.8500 Wilshire Blvd. ... Gynecomastia: Male breast enlargement. Donot be afraid of surgery at all , anaesthesia will be there to help you . Is that a successful surgery? METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis of the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program adult and pediatric databases to produce two cohorts that underwent gynecomastia surgical repair. Created Aug 9, 2011. Pain should be adequately controlled with simple pain killers. Obviously, if there is excess tissue that is causing a visible fullness, then further surgery would need to be done to address this.