0000074132 00000 n 0000002377 00000 n 0000004134 00000 n 1 0 obj The diagnosis of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is established through serological testing. 0000045946 00000 n x���ٲ5�q��}��(S)�'��ER�I�Њ5T�9!�ϙ�;̿���sB}| �w���W ����_e�� �� �� ,):�?I��Ǿ!� s�J��������� �c������Aܟ�m��� ��X�Ģ%�3e�?� ����9Ct��� ��j=-��P�K���3�u�O� |c}����$> ��0�3���! ?���=�G� �ٓ="�GG����(�G�` �$�nI��4�S.�?�ͨ�'�`=�ɮ���4O�o_ �O� �5{Z���ZA����oI|� Jѕ��d�Nsu^g�L��2_^���1��(�=(���q���7��K�?� V����]�9i�Y%�����O�@��p�J��@��*�~P�� �+��~��'{f��y�?�g��? 1. According to the CDC, a hepatitis B blood test result (or serologic marker) varies depending on whether the infection is a new acute infection or a chronic infection. �5)5�HI^Ѓ�^C=F�)Ma��l�)�a��cT�za��W~647V����׃�;�~�@���H{^QoIa��95� lg����bz�(�@$��U�����֏}�|���\J_�c�\�=2�ܕO�B�+(���ݸ}��[�����Mt�y��B���@�H@�R�3�6{� b�\WOT��F�ߖ)R.n�|䨨��v�;�rBۗGܕ9�,r�'��M٢�/��EUe��+fG� �x�~���pL%����PM��m[xD�3:��L��S�/t 2. 0000047989 00000 n • The presence of HBsAg indicates that the person has hepatitis B infection. L 0000035790 00000 n 187 0 obj <> endobj In many high-prevalence countries, 10% or more of the population have chronic hepatitis B infection. 0000074171 00000 n 0000037567 00000 n 0000018583 00000 n 0000017921 00000 n x�+T037�3 D�&��{�&���)��+ �� 0000074249 00000 n endobj Worldwide, hepatitis B is the most common cause of hepatitis. <> [����b�C 0000049771 00000 n The greatest decline has happ… stream ���K���@٭�=t��*���#e%�������Fr,�>$��H����h6�a��ϗ����`ӫK�oH&����1��d�HV�a��V���&]��dY�&7�5Y�k����-�{��{����� < �m��D�qm)n/�v �*�����s�'o�Au5��5�^u�4Nq&��x�K�nEG5�Vs:C�����7lv� �!-�; ��������͛}��x_��H)�G The inner particle of the virus consists of an outer lipid envelope and an icosahedral nucleocapsid core. 0000000016 00000 n In the UK around 1 person in 350 is thought to have chronic hepatitis B infection. <> It has a lipoprotein-coated surface, which is called the surface antigen (HBsAg, previously called Australia antigen). �/y1����t�g��,2I������j(�@ <>/Pattern<>/Font<>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 720 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 3. endobj This antigen is the first serologic marker to appear in serum after HBV infection and is excessively produced during the life cycle of the virus. 0000041882 00000 n 0000035735 00000 n 0000014472 00000 n endobj xref 4 0 obj trailer However, it is important to note that HBsAg (the first marker of HBV infection to become positive following infection) is usually undetectable until an average of 4 weeks after infection. 0000001714 00000 n �B�c�O�QJ��r΢������T#�u���f���j���f�u�gk���Z�պ��hA�>T��h��B�x����JM۫�f������0#9��c_Ì��)f��'9��U�OiK�L?j�����&`!0#u@�ZX� � D���L%і���=��j������'�c���)�-1��-錒��r�7��;*���rYa&��S����X�Ȃ��&L���� ��m(���Ǝ�X��X17xEt���&�qG�J�u�'t���W��B/y��f4�v��8V$� �d �Q�0�a��R \�K��jo���UG�U�s�}I�]�S�'��vJ��P����? 0000033914 00000 n 0000010929 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� Interpretation of Hepatitis B Serologic Test Results Hepatitis B serologic testing involves measurement of several hepatitis B virus (HBV)-specifi c antigens and antibodies. 0000001535 00000 n Tests in the Hepatitis B Serologic Panel . 0000033087 00000 n 5. <>>> The diagnostic panel for hepatitis B serology allowing determination of susceptibility, active infection, or immunity through vaccination or past infection includes testing for: There is no special timing of serologic testing. 3 0 obj 0000022365 00000 n • HBsAg is the antigen used to make hepatitis B vaccine. 0000044004 00000 n 0000035242 00000 n endobj endstream 0000046220 00000 n 0000018953 00000 n … 187 49 Hepatitis B serological markers • Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) • This is a protein on the surface of the hepatitis B virus (HBV); it can be detected in the serum during acute or chronic HBV infection.