However, certain herbs are also effective in controlling the involuntary contraction of bladder muscles and save you trips to the bathroom. There are many other herbs like Valerian, which can be used on a regular basis to get positive results towards the curing process of overactive bladder. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Herbs that may be of benefit in treating an inflamed bladder include: Echinacea; Goldenseal; Marshmallow root; Alfalfa; Celery; Yarrow and parsley. Due to its high iodine content, this herb is most recognized in treating underactive thyroid (At this stage there isn’t enough evidence to deem bladderwrack an effective treatment method. Experts are unsure about how this herb works, but they say that the benefits may be related to the ability of the herb to ward off inflammation and improve testosterone levels. Horsetail may also be a diuretic. It’s also possible for them to interact with other bladder medications and cause adverse reactions.Discuss all safety aspects with your healthcare provider or a naturopathic doctor before choosing an herbal remedy for OAB. As far as diet goes, add cranberries to your morning meal. Learn how herbs like bladderwrack, gosha-jinki-gan, horsetail, and saw palmetto may help reduce symptoms of an overactive bladder. The conventional medicinal treatment for an overactive bladder is prescription medicines. Among them are some symptoms of OAB including:Horsetail may also be used for “general disturbances” related to the bladder. As good as the tree looks in your yard, it can do your bladder a lot of good, too. You should avoid it if you:Other herbs have a little more backing from science, like Gosha-jinki-gan. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We are lucky to have many herbal remedies available to us for natural treatment of bladder or urinary tract infections. All rights reserved. Only the above-ground parts of the plant are deemed safe for human consumption.Saw palmetto plants are common in eastern parts of the United States, such as Florida. There still isn’t enough evidence to prove that horsetail is effective for treating OAB. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. While the tree might look good in your yard, some evidence suggests that it can do your bladder good, too.The herb is actually derived from saw palmetto berries. These help to strengthen and relax the bladder muscles in order to contain the urine and avoid any mishaps. © 2020 DnetNia. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Studies have shown the use of saw palmetto to treat bladder problems, particularly in men who have an enlarged prostate. This means that seemingly safe herbs can pose side effects. Buy saw palmetto capsules This provides some hope for OAB treatment.Horsetail is an herb used to treat a variety of ailments. Guggulsterones are the active plant steroids found in the resin of the guggul plant (Commiphora mukul). According to the However, an NCCIH study found that saw palmetto did not decrease urinary symptoms associated with prostate problems any more than a placebo treatment.Unwanted side effects can be a downside to the natural aspect of herbs. Herbal Remedies for Bladder Inflammation. Most women have had at least one urinary tract infection (UTI) in their lifetime. Alpinia oxyphylla: A herb belonging to the ginger family and believed to give relief from bladder control issues. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. Herbs like these may actually increase trips to the bathroom, as well as your urges to go.These side effects are more likely when taking more than one herb at the same time.Many herbs are off-limits during pregnancy and breastfeeding because of limited research or potential transfer to babies.Misconceptions surrounding safety are among the biggest risks associated with herbal remedies.While herbs are deemed “natural,” they can be just as powerful as conventional medications.