On the other hand, estrogen prevents the elimination of DHT, and thereby worsens the condition.The usual treatment options for this cancer are surgery, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, chemotherapy, and cryotherapy. In addition to these conventional therapies, the popularity of natural cures have grown rapidly in the recent times, which are discussed below.Many studies and research have indicated an association between the increased consumption of animal-based foods like red meat, eggs, and dairy products, and the rising incidence of prostate cancer. However, some experts and herbalists believe that the use of certain herbs … That’s why they should be only used for a complementary choice.And to keep safe, never take any herbal medicines without having a doctor’s supervision! But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.This website uses cookies to improve your experience. causes of BPH, prostate treatments, acupuncture for prostate, consult with us by e-mail at questions@shenclinic.com. The good news, there are some studies that have observed the effectiveness of pomegranate for prostate cancer.According to one research, pomegranate juice may help stabilize PSA levels in men with prostate cancer. Soy products and garlic contain some cancer-fighting substances, and so, they can also help reduce the risk of this cancer.Saw palmetto, pygeum, and cernilton are some important herbal remedies for prostate cancer. Unfortunately, most herbs for prostate cancer are not scientifically proved yet. Because some can interact to other cancer treatments, too! These animal-based foods contain the growth hormones given to the particular animals, which may be responsible for stimulating the proliferation of the cells of the prostate gland and ovaries. This cancer is quite difficult to diagnose in the early stage, as it usually does not produce any specific symptoms. And we know well that antioxidants are essential property to help fight against cancerous-triggers (such as free radicals).For this reason, pomegranate is thought may help both prevent and treat cancer, though there is still no strong evidence to confirm this claim. However, the progression of the disease is continuously monitoring, ensuring it doesn’t Since prostate cancer is more likely to develop and grow slowly, many patients are suggested to choose ‘watchful waiting’ option.In fact, many patients with this cancer are older than 50, a condition of when the slowly growth of this cancer is unlikely to significantly affect the rest of patient’s life. Because some can interact to other cancer treatments, too!However, some experts and herbalists believe that the use of certain herbs may help strengthen & tone the system of the body, which then eventually could bring health benefit for men with prostate cancer.It is rich in some essential nutrients, including antioxidants. In most cases, the treatment is not immediately necessary for prostate cancer. In addition to conventional medical treatments, some natural cures are also available that can be effective in containing and treating this condition.Prostate cancer originates in the prostate gland, which is responsible for producing seminal fluid. But be sure to consult a herbalist or a health care provider before using herbs and supplements for treating this cancer, as their excessive intake can cause some potentially serious side effects.Would you like to write for us? This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. This cancer is quite difficult to diagnose in the early stage, as it usually does not produce any specific symptoms. There are a few flaws here, but the most dominant being that androgens do NOT cause prostate cancer and in fact, in combination with … With Damp-Heat in the Lower Jiao: Prostate Cancer #1; For mild cases with Yin Deficiency, Heat and Phlegm: Qian Gen San modified; For the elderly and other Qi deficient patients: Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang modified; Chinese Patent Medicines: Yun Nan Bai Yao to be taken along with Qi Li San Yun Nan Bai Yao to be taken along with Qi Li San That’s why they should be only used for a complementary choice. Make sure to talk with your surgeon /doctor about this issue before taking the surgery!It is used to freeze and heat the cancerous cells. You may not need to take the cancer treatment immediately, but the progression of your cancer will be continuously monitored.When there is a signal that the disease will get worse or start to progress aggressively, the treatment is now immediately necessary! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. In addition to these, fructose, the sugar found in fruits can increase the synthesis of vitamin D, which can inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors in the prostate gland. And then a second substance is inserted to re-heat the cancer cells. A short time of this freeze & heat mechanism is intended to destroy the cancerous cells.With radiation therapy, chemotherapy is one of common choices for conventional cancer treatment, including for prostate cancer. Should You Use Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer? The following are some of them:It uses high-energy rays to help destroy and shrink cancerous cells.The radiation can be delivered externally or internally.