Recipe #2—Homemade Fish Emulsion Fertilizer. The homemade soap spray offers the easiest solution for pest of tulsi plants. Fill with water and leave the clippings to steep. You can use any weed though.All you need is a bucket with a lid. Tulsi grows well in loamy and fertile soil with good drainage, pH level around 6 to 7.5 is optimal. by Amber Kanuckel | Posted In: Home and Garden. Happy planting!The Practical Planter is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.The Practical Planter also participates in programs from ShareASale and other sites and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. My name is Lisa, and I’m on a mission to expand my plant knowledge. It’s not a good idea to put banana peels in the soil of household plants.What is a good idea is to puree the banana peels, or soak the peel in water inside a sealed mason jar for a week, then drain it with a sieve and use that water as fertilizer.Alternatively, you can bake the peel and then grind it down to mix into your soil. Then, spread your used coffee grounds out on the sheet, and allow them to dry completely. Take it!As mentioned though, be careful with quantities because you don’t want highly acidic coffee grounds to be competing for soil nutrients. Just add 4-5 tablespoons of non-detergent or dish soap with 7-8 mugs of plain water. Fill this solution in a spray bottle and spray it on the infected spots.Pepper spray is a potent repellent that knocks numerous pests effectively. But what’s left in the ash is decent trace amounts of potassium, magnesium and get this… up to Just as you’d use the water from a netted bag of grass clippings as a fertilizer, and eggshell tea for the same, you can do the same with boiled foods. To add that into the mix, you can add in…Eggshells have a few essential nutrients for plants. Fill a net bag with your grass clippings and place that in a large bucket. That’s a win all-round. Veggies, rice, eggs, pasta, potatoes and spinach are all examples of foods you can boil and use the water from cooking as fertilizer for your plants, provided you don’t add salt to the water.These will eat all your vegetable scraps, fruits, paper, cardboard, potatoes To get started with vermicomposting, you need a worm bin. In the past four decades, To combat the effects of soil depletion in your garden, quality compost is a starting point. Sprinkle this solution near the base and infected parts of the plant.There are certain plants like marigold, onion, garlic, and chives that have a sharp smell, which keeps aphids away. Not good if anyone’s near it when that happens so put the lid on the container but don’t make it airtight. Required fields are marked *Learn all the tips and tricks on How To Take Care of Succulent Plants the…Copyright 2020 India Gardening. That will give you an indication of how many red wigglers you’ll need to start.An interesting thing about this type of worm is they have both male and female organs, so the gender doesn’t matter, they will reproduce. That’s because, it costs coffee houses more to get rid of used coffee grounds because if it’s not getting used, it goes to landfill. Your site has helped a lot.I’m glad you found the information helpful. To prevent the fungal infection, practice this during a sunny morning.The homemade soap spray offers the easiest solution for pest of tulsi plants. Apart from knocking aphids away, it will improve the quality of soil by imparting useful nutrients like potassium and phosphorus.Salt not only repels insects and certain pests, but it also elevates the nutrient absorption capability of the soil. There are various Before using any chemical remedies on plants, try a spray of water technique first.