Therefore if your older cat begins to back away from being stroked and starts to become easily irritated, then this may be a sign of cognitive deterioration; with severe cases of dementia a cat may, at times, not recognise you.Is your cat meowing or howling a lot for no particular reason?Loud crying at night may be a possible indication of cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS).Instead of sleeping most of the night, your cat may be wandering around the house, often meowing.Cats suffering from senile dementia may “forget” to eat.

She does not go out for more than half an hour now a few times in the day when I am at home to keep an eye on her as she is also deaf. If she gets too stressed visiting the practice, it could be worth asking for a home appointment. Both sets symptoms same. Bear in mind that as your pet ages, her care needs might change. It’s very tough to see cats of this age go through this. She’s been yowling she panics if she can’t find me I have to leave lights on so at night so she can find things the litter box is on the patio which is in enclosed but she panics when she goes out because she has to bank come back inside to the bedroom and if she doesn’t see me on the bed and she walks into the bathroom she freaks out. Then the second injection containing anaesthetic will help them to pass away. Get exclusive offers to your inbox. I agree with comments that it has to be about quality of life but with a few manageable adjustments to food (for us, we now give small amounts of food gently warmed and omega and fish oils for her brain) and their routine to encourage and settle them, from my experience, there is no reason to have a pusscat put to sleep just because it has dementia. Next time your cat has a ‘senile moment’ and wakes you up at 3am with a howl, spare a thought for their ageing brain before getting cross!I have a 7 year old persian with all the above symptoms, is dementia possible in a cat younger than 15?My cat is 22 he just now started showing signs of dementia things that he is due before now when he does then he starts crying for HowlingDefinitely worth a vet check to rule out medical issues if it’s started suddenly, but at that age, it is always a possibility.My cat will be 11 yrs old in August. We’re very thankful that, so far, she uses the 3 boxes we have around the house because she has diabetes insipidous which results in her drinking, drinking, drinking, and then peeing, peeing, peeing. Simba is a 15 year old domestic moggy and all of a sudden started seeing her reflection in my glass windows and mirror and has started hissing and fighting thinking another cat is there.I have covered certain surfaces with white paper and this seems to ease the tension for her but then she just moves on to another surface like the oven or the fridge.Does anyone have any ideas or the vet’s online is their medication she can be on as the vet put her on anti-anxiety medication but this was awful as she was not her self at all.My cat ,is 20 years old. Animal welfare is our main concern, and I’m sure you wouldn’t want her to suffer. He was tentatively diagnosed with intestinal cancer (75% chance) a year ago and given 3 months to live. He has become clingier as he has gotten older, but I don’t mind as we are very close. Sometimes there can be a change in the enviromnment, even a new cat in the neighbourhood to change cats behaviour. )My cat is about 12 and has changed her behaviour over the last few months. Though the were not brother and sister and fought almost daily for the 14 years they were together, they were company and whenever one was at the vets the other would go looking for them and become not only more vocal but also more affectionate. S/he might be able to help. ?Hi Joan. The cats current situation: she has lost all of her body weight in fat, she is extremely skinny now, she gets lost so easily and stares at walls the majority of the time, she dosen’t eat food only licks so we have been giving her liquid food for the past few weeks. Increase the number of food bowls, water dishes and litter trays to make them more accessible from wherever the cat may be in … Any answers? She never does this during the day. I’ve had him since he was a year old and with me he’s like a dog in cat’s clothing…he’s my shadow. Sally has lived upstairs for the past 5 months or so–with me going up daily to tend to her. He has recently started ripping up bags and newspapers just before urinating. Anyway, Feliway hasn’t stopped the midnight and early morning howling although it has always help settle any anxiety in the past so we do keep using it just in case. Especially where inappropriate urination is concerned.