Inform your doctor if you experience signs of infection such as fever, chills and aches. Each person reacts differently to meds. “Clinicians should consider a shift in practice to incorporate this new data.” The study, conducted at more than 130 sites, included 508 patients who have moderate to severe Crohn’s … The daily adult dosage for Crohn’s disease is between 1.0 to 1.5 mg/kg of body weight. Azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine were found to be possibly more effective than placebo (fake medicine) for inducing remission … Less than a third of those treated with azathioprine monotherapy achieved remission. Men or women attempting to get pregnant shouldn’t use this drug. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. The average absorption rate is 50% when taken orally. Wear protective clothing and sunblock with a high protection factor while taking Imuran.Always follow your doctor’s instructions exactly when taking Imuran.However, a meta-analysis published in 2013 summarized data from 13 clinical trials and concluded that treatment with Azathioprine or 6-mercaptopurine offered no advantage over a placebo for remission or improvement in Crohn’s disease.Tell your doctor if you experience rare but serious side effects such as hair loss, muscle loss, greasy-looking stools, mouth sores, sensations of cold or numbness in the fingers, pain or difficulty when swallowing.Seek immediate medical attention if you experience signs of liver problems including yellowing of the skin or eyes, swollen or painful abdomen, black stools, or vomit that contains blood or a substance that looks like coffee grounds.Imuran can weaken your immune system, making it less able to fight off infections. I’m on it 2 years and I take it every other week. Azathioprine and mercaptopurine can help keep flare-ups at bay. 10.1007/s00535-003-1139-2. Immunosuppressants inhibit the body’s immunity, but immunity suppression can also put the body at higher risk for other diseases.Immunostimulants increase or “stimulate” the body’s immune system, which encourages the body to begin fighting illness.There are various types of immunomodulators, each sold under its own brand name. CONCLUSIONS: Azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine are effective in treating active Crohn disease and in maintaining remission. Adverse effects occur in about 15% of patients. Azathioprine and its metabolite 6-mercaptopurine are effective in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Azathioprine and mercaptopurine can help keep flare-ups at bay. People are sometimes given azathioprine if they are having difficulty coming off of corticosteroids or as a follow-on from steroids. Your doctor may order regular complete blood count (CBC) and liver function tests while you are taking Imuran.It is important for both men and women to use effective birth control while taking Imuran. Im Worried About Side Effects, Of Course, But Hear Most People Tolerate It Well. Once we got the diagnosis of Crohns via biopsy and scope his Dr put him on Imuran. A study led by Mayo Clinic has found that infliximab (Remicade®) administered alone (monotherapy) or in combination with azathioprine is a more effective treatment for patients with moderate to severe Crohn’s disease than azathioprine alone. They are mostly used for reduction of the use of steroids, maintenance therapy after remission induction by cyclosporin and treatment of fistulae in Crohn's disease. The study definitively demonstrates that infliximab-based strategies are more effective than azathioprine,” says William Sandborn, M.D., the lead author and a gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the WebMD Site. Azathioprine is also a tablet which is taken orally for Crohn’s disease, but is administered intravenously for other diseases. I had a flare up in January of 2000 after being admitted to the hospital for a failing appendix. Aminosalicylates. Immunomodulators are drugs that modify the body’s immune system.For someone with Crohn’s, this can help reduce the swelling that causes so many symptoms.Immunomodulators include drugs that are immunosuppressants and immunostimulants. Azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine are immunosuppressive drugs that are thought to reduce inflammation by blocking the immune system. This review includes 13 randomized trials with a total of 1211 participants. Imuran can bring about and maintain … Other Answers On: There is no cure for Crohn’s disease, so symptom relief comes in the form of remission. Your physician will likely want to conduct regular blood tests to ensure there is no damage to your You should consider all possible side effects before you start treatment.The American College of Gastroenterology supports using methotrexate to treat symptoms of Crohn’s disease in people who are dependent on steroids. 7 … None had previously had immunosuppressive or biologic therapy reported the authors of the study, published in the latest issue of the After 26 weeks more than half of the patients receiving combination therapy were in corticosteroid-free clinical remission, compared with 44.4 per cent of those on infliximab monotherapy.