In addition, while there are plenty of myths that question the safety of sildenafil, the reality is that it is usually very well-tolerated by men who take it properly. There are, of course, circumstances where you should check with your GP before using sildenafil or any other ED medication. Making sure you have healthy ways of coping with stress is part of maintaining good sexual health. That said, here’s a short list of the most common ones and their corrections - so you know the facts.If you’re looking for a “cure” for ED, it’s possible you’re asking the wrong question. If your GP decides further investigation is needed, there are a number of tests that can clarify the cause of your ED, including injection tests, ultrasounds and attempts to identify any venous leakages that could be a contributing factor.Being diagnosed with ED is often a troubling experience for men. Studies have shown the drug to be highly effective in treating ED in men, with 75% of cases improving upon taking the drug. Of the participants that lost the most weight,. Shutterstock The fact is that bodybuilders are less prone to ED as they are already aware of the side effect these supplements or steroids may cause so they are already under a strict regime. Things, however, often aren’t as wonderful as they could be. is arterial dysfunction, which is essentially when your blood vessels don't work as well as they should. This summarizes that even when you are fit and healthy we have to maintain a strict and disciplined life to avoid problems like erectile dysfunction. Where they differ, however, is in duration, time to take effect, and whether the medication is taken daily or as-needed.After Viagra hit pharmacies in the late 1990s, pharmaceutical companies got to work researching and developing alternative treatments that had a similar effect. This is because, which actually causes blood vessels to contract. The safest and most reliable treatments for ED are ones that are regulated and licensed for use by doctors, walk-in pharmacies and online pharmacies.If you’re taking steroids medicinally, you should speak to your GP about any sexual concerns you have. being an anabolic and androgenic substance, shouldn't steroids create a higher sex drive and more stronger erections since it increases your testosterone levels etc. Shutterstock A study conducted in the UK found that 40% of 55 participants with ED after practicing pelvic floor exercises for six months.You can practice contracting the muscles of the pelvic floor by This is in spite of the fact that participants didn’t report feeling any less psychologically aroused by the erotic films. It is defined as the inability to get or keep an erection that's firm enough for intercourse. as an individual ages. Many men and couples do not seek treatment due to feelings of embarrassment. This helps blood better reach the penis, thereby helping men achieve or maintain an erection.Sildenafil tends to take effect around half an hour after it is taken and lasts up to four hours (although in most cases it lasts around two hours). Smoking and drinking alcohol are both significant contributing factors to sexual dysfunction, and can therefore make the medication less effective. Erectile dysfunction is a very common disorder. Shutterstock David Ramos/Stringer/Getty Images In recent years, the most popular prescribed alternatives have been:All these treatments belong to the same family of medication as sildenafil, and work in similar ways. Compared to the other three treatments, avanafil is much newer - the drug came to market in 2012 under the brand names As ever, avanafil is an effective treatment for ED in much the same way sildenafil, tadalafil and vardenafil are. One study found that participants with ED who underwent emerged with significantly improved symptoms. If you experience a painful erection, or an erection that lasts longer than four hours, seek help from your local emergency department immediately.You should consult your doctor before taking ED treatments if you:There are plenty of herbs available to purchase in store and online that promise to cure or treat ED.