Would you like to continue indefinitely or are you eager to stop? For more information about these cookies and the data collected, please refer to our Search for doctors by name, specialty, hospital, or location. However, it also reported that extended use (10 years rather than five) was linked with a two-fold increase in endometrial cancer.

I am 48 and 3 months off tamoxifen. "I would say to them, 'Tamoxifen makes me have no sex drive. More often, I listen to women who are afraid to stop the pills that they believe are keeping them healthy. I had joint pain in my hands, severe insomnia but the mood swings were the worst. A recent study published in the British Journal of Medicine indicated clear evidence that 10 years of tamoxifen therapy does reduce local recurrence and improve breast cancer-free survival. You should take the right dose, not more or less. Connecting you to information you can trust and support you can count on.Reasons Young Women Stop Taking Tamoxifen Vary Over Time If they're fortunate, they may find sympathetic oncology nurses, psychologists or social workers, some of whom lead self-help groups.Stewart calls sexuality "the elephant in the room" at her group meetings, but says humor is an easy way to approach it. You take it daily at the same time every day. This way, I know I tried twice and will then go with the ‘do nothing’ approach and ask my GP to do 6 monthly scans vs annual. I had to be put on valium to calm me down and it took another 3 weeks to completely detox out of my system. In addition, 5 years of sequential treatment—either 2 years of letrozole followed by 3 years of tamoxifen or 2 years of tamoxifen followed by 3 years of letrozole—was not better than 5 years of letrozole alone at preventing recurrence or death. There is a lot of discussion about how to talk with their doctors about staying on the drug for more than 10 years. Any user who relies on translated content does so at his/her own risk.The ideal duration of anti-estrogen/hormonal therapies for women who have ER positive breast cancer seems to be a moving target. The surgeon's mission is to transform you from a breast-cancer patient to a breast-cancer survivor. I did not have any treatment at all from 1994 until 2009 and then I had a recurrence. Talk to your specialist or advice line before you stop taking a cancer drug. Women who were post-menopausal at diagnosis were given one of the AIs for the same length of time.Over the past 10 years or so, that has evolved and changed. Chemotherapy can cause permanent nerve damage.When asked, survivors express interest in learning how to find pleasure again in sex. About a month ago, I went psychotic 3 weeks into taking Tamoxifen.

Tamoxifen makes me unable to climax,'" said Bantug, who has a master's degree in public health. Some portions may be incorrect. I just said no. Keep up the good work!I almost quit Tamixifen after 3 years, too. Right after the radiation, I began taking the Tamoxifen. It's transformation surgery. "I packed your toothbrush and hairbrush because we're not leaving the room. Some people, we have seen, do very well after being on the drug for 5 or more years and choose to not take it anymore.How long did it take you after quitting before your side effects went awayI’m so grateful to stumble across this very real article. Findings.

We've been married 14 years. Periods very irregular throughout but no period the last year and a half before stopping the drug. Some may stop because of common side effects, such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness and mood swings. Then there began to be studies suggesting that keeping women on these therapies for longer reduced recurrences and extended survival. For a relatively brief period, the standard for younger women was two or three years of tamoxifen and then a switch to one of the AIs for a total of five years.

A lot of them are over the counter like Benadryl, Claritin and many others.