to the doctor. Contact your doctor immediately if breathing becomes more difficult after using this medicine. If you are not correctly breathing in the medicine, it may not be of help.ziness, seizure (convulsions), etc. Excess water is shaken off and they are placed on a clean, dry towel. Levolin 0.63 mg Respules is used to treat Asthma, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD). Available from: Levolin Respules [Internet]. We do not take any responsibility for the consequences arising out of the aforementioned information and strongly recommend you for a physical consultation in case of any queries or doubts. You may require a dose adjustment and more frequent clinical monitoring to safely use this medicine. After use throw away any solution that remains in the nebuliser bowl.A: After the day's last treatment, take apart the nebuliser cup and mask or mouthpiece. Use this medicine in the dose and duration as advised by your doctor. You should check all the possible interactions with your doctor before starting any medicine.Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It improves the amount of airflow to the lungs and makes breathing easier.Practo Technologies Pvt. 2017 [cited 7 June 2017]. Report any unusual symptoms to the doctor immediately. However, if you develop side effects such as dizziness, muscle cramps or tremors avoid driving.Intake of alcoholic beverages while on treatment with Levolin 0.63mg Respules 2.5ml 1*5 may increase the side effects. If you have fast or irregular heartbeat Kindly consult your doctor.A: No, it belongs to a class of medicines called as beta agonists. You need to ask your attending physician as u have kidney disease, so need to be careful about medicines. It should be used right away after opening. We do not guarantee the accuracy and the completeness of the information so provided. Assemble the nebuliser and use it as directed. It must not be injected or swallowed. Close monitoring of blood glucose levels, appropriate dose adjustments, or replacement with a suitable alternative may be necessary in some cases based on the clinical condition.The use of this medicine has been associated with a decrease in blood potassium levels (hypokalemia). If disabled, please enable it to view the website. diabetes and ketoacidosiLevolin 0.63mg Respules 2.5ml 1*5 side effects are feeling shaky (tremors); increased heart rate; headache; cough; mouth and throat irritation (these may be prevented by rinsing the mouth with water aIt should be used in pregnancy only if your doctor advises you so.Can I take Levolin 0.63mg Respules 2.5ml 1*5 while breastfeeding?During the breastfeeding period inhalation of this medicine is safe as it is not known to cause any harm to the infant. This medicine is not recommended for use in patients less than 12 years of age. If you have any doubts about your medication then we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor, nurse or healthcare provider. Your doctor may advise you to discontinue the drug or to discontinue breastfeeding based on your clinical condition.This medicine may interact with many other medicines and may cause severe adverse effects. It should be used right away after opening. Seek emergency medical help.iser. Consult the doctor if you experience any undesirable effects. Practo does not assume any responsibility for any aspect of healthcare administered with the aid of information provided above. 2017 [cited 7 June 2017]. It is inhaled through a nebuliser and works by opening up the air passages in the lungs. The medication can be given orally by nebulization, starting from twice to six times a day depending on the condition. This can be serious. Replacement with a suitable alternative may be necessary based on the clinical condition.This medicine should be used with caution in patients with diabetes mellitus due to the increased risk of alterations in blood glucose levels. Read about Levolin 0.63mg Respules uses, side effects, dosage, price, composition and substitutes. Will he still has breathing diff ... Can I use both an albuterol nebulizer and albuterol rescue inhaler at the same time? All disease conditions should be considered before therapy with this medicine is initiated.The use of this medicine may cause a decrease in blood potassium levels and hence, it should be administered with caution in patients suffering from hypokalemia. Please consult your doctor before starting.This medicine does not impair your ability to drive. Dr. Mark Diamond answered. caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Refer nd spitting it out after inhalation); decrease in the level of potassium in your blood; muscle cramps; allergic reactions like itching, rash or skin reddening; swelling of the eyelids, lips, face or throat; increase in wheezing and shortness of breath immediately after the dose. Hence, it should be used with extreme caution in patients suffering from hypokalemia, a disorder where potassium levels in the body are very low.