Our team periodically reviews articles in order to ensure content quality. The only way to reduce melanin production is to keep the melanocytes in the body to an absolute minimum.The most common use of hydroquinone is to treat hyperpigmentation, though it has also been found to be effective at reducing sun spots and acne marks. While it was once believed that this substance was safe to use in limited amounts, many people are now claiming that it can be quite dangerous. It essentially Melanin pigments are what is responsible for our skin’s tone and color. Hydroquinone has been banned in Europe because of the dangers associated with it. We get it, everyone wants beautiful looking skin, but the natural aging process isn’t always kind.If you want to retain a youthful appearance even into your twilight years, it is important to use the right skincare products. Here’s why these three skin whiteners are dangerous and damaging to your body Several countries have banned hydroquinone. Many people use hydroquinone to achieve brighter skin, but is it really safe?It is important that you get all of the necessary information before you make a final decision. Most people who have this reaction use bleaching creams that include hydroquinone as of their active ingredients. This results in people using even more of the products in an attempt to lighten their skin, and the cycle continues.One of the worst things about hydroquinone can do to the skin is to make is weaker, which happens over time. ou will always be taking a chance, so it’s better not to do it in the first place. Hydroquinone also is a component of the herbal remedy uva ursi 2 4. Hydro-quinone 4% skincare products can only be obtained with a prescription from a doctor in the United States.Although we do highlight that this ingredient is successful in Instead we highly recommend using natural solutions and creams ( Copyright © 2020 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. She has a Bachelor of Science in psychology. You should be able to see if any given product has this ingredient by simply looking at the label.Not everyone reacts to this ingredient the same way, so the negative effects can vary depending on the user. The last thing you want to do is use anything on your skin that could end up doing more harm than good.Hydroquinone is a common active ingredient that is found in a lot of skincare products that are designed specifically to lighten the skin. It has some powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, so it can help keep the skin healthy and looking good. Even those with scars and freckles can potentially get some amazing results from using bearberry extract. The information contained on this site is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a professional health care provider. If you have damaged skin that you want to start repairing, this is definitely one ingredient to look for. There are many natural alternatives that you should explore before getting a skincare product with this ingredient in it. Just eating more foods that are high in this vitamin can do the trick.Below we have outlined the major alternatives to be aware of.Vitamin B3 combined with licorice extract can be particularly effective at lightening the skin naturally.You can create these natural remedies at home quickly and easily. looks at another controversial skincare ingredient, hydroquinone. The FDA and standard-setting agencies of several other countries have cited a skin condition called ochronosis as a concern with hydroquinone use Hydroquinone topical solutions can make skin more sensitive to sunlight (photosensitivity) Rodent studies involving very high doses of hydroquinone administered by feeding tube showed the potential to cause cancer, according to the FDA report on hydroquinone skin bleaching products Although unlikely, some people may experience an allergic reaction to hydroquinone An allergic reaction to hydroquinone should be considered a medical emergency When taken orally in large amounts, as in uva ursi, hydroquinone is toxic, states Drugs.com Shelley Moore is a journalist and award-winning short-story writer.