I don’t need antidepressants at all, the thyroid meds are all i ever needed.I'm sorry your doctor gave you repeated dismissals. To make a long story short, I think I have hypothyroidism. I got a ketamine treatment prior to being diagnosed with Hashi’s which helped stave off suicidal thoughts in the short term, until I could get proper treatment. These abnormalities usually involve elevated T4, positive thyroid antibodies, low T3, increased rT3 (reverse T3), and weakened TSH response to TRH, thus suggesting a unique condition where a person’s brain is in hypothyroidism state while the body itself exhibits systemic euthyroidism.Various factors could be behind this unusual state. Getting the right prescription certainly helps, but it won't do everything.In bouts of bad down spells like the one your in, it's good to check on possible reasons. But other organs can be the source of the problem. Official statistics only take into account diagnosed cases of depression, but there are many people who don’t seek medical assistance for symptoms they experience and hence receive no diagnosis.As seen above, statistics show that depression is more common in women than men and studies support that. Of course this along with the physical symptoms brings me down a lot.I once read a stat that estimated mental illness in the US is about 10% of the population, same as the rate of thyroid disease. It wasn't until 3 years after I finally quit trying that I was diagnosed hypo. )I reached the stage of severe clinical depression due to Hashimotos. Unfortunately, after going off meds it has returned within few months, so now I'm doing second round. Iodine health benefits. Depression can easily be caused by being hypo but it could also be a number of other things.Sounds like you've found an open minded psych I need to take another look at my statistics. When this feeling is high, it's bad and when it's low, it's unnoticeable. I got put on 40mg of carbimazole (a prodrug of methimazole) and later switched to the equivalent methimazole dose (30mg once daily). Please, whatever you do, don't give up. Brain damage is an injury that causes the destruction or deterioration of brain cells.. When someone develops depression, the brain usually becomes the focus of attention. Both SSRIs and tricyclic antidepressants appear to amplify the activity of deiodinase enzyme type 2 (D2) thereby leading to the enhanced conversion of T4 in active T3 in the brain.Antidepressants with various mechanisms of action have a different impact on thyroid.Hypothyroidism requires adequate management and to make it happen, your doctor will probably prescribe thyroid hormone replacement therapy i.e. Everything went well, got back to normal pretty quickly.. But that just means my lows are really bad.Well, before you go into a coma there is the chance of a complete psychotic break. I've had that betore and I believe you, it is just awful. And now, as a result, my mind+my body are in absolute confusion in this WTF situation..Have you guys ever experienced anything like this before? It’s not uncommon for patients to be in the poor mood while taking medications for hypothyroidism. Low Body Temperature and Hypothyroidism. When I'm down that's about the only thing that will help, is constantly surrounding yourself with things you like.It's a struggle, but if I got out of it, you definitely can too :)Good point. I spent all of my college years in a brain fog and under the care of a counselor for severe depression. I got newest results yesterday and it showed that the prescribed dosage of medication lowered my thyroid function so much, that now I'm struggling with very low function of thyroid.