Thanks for the great info. They said that this decision depicts the importance of the sexual pleasure of men is more than a basic need of women.This ruling during the coronavirus pandemic is extremely damaging. One could argue along the lines of double-effect; that the pill is being taken for the good purpose of preventing a pregnancy, but an unintended side-effect is that it may (though rarely) cause a spontaneous abortion, like coffee or something else. I am also one of those people who prefers to avoid pills or chemicals when possible, so I appreciate you sharing your experience.Just to complicate this issue even further with something that probably everyone will not like, I actually agree with a lot of what Lyssie said when giving reasons why one shouldn’t reject the pill. The use of Viagra does seem to involve a lifestyle choice more than a health issue per se, so perhaps health insurance should not be expected to cover it. Give me and every other taxpayer a break, Planned Parenthood.”Just Saying: To clarify, I agree with you that hormonal birth control masks menstrual problems but don’t treat them. My problem is someone else telling me that just because I assembled something that looks like cake batter, I must bake it.Xalisae, I am sorry that you’ve been having computer problems. It is a THEORY. Yuck!Y’know- I haven’t been able to afford my copay nor have I been able to have the time to nip over to my university pharmacy to pick up my birth control pills and all I gotta say right now as I bleed like a stuck pig on heparin is: If you take away my pills, I will hunt you down and beat you with a fun noodle. Many people on social media, including some politicians, are now saying that Viagra and similar drugs are cheaper and more widely available while access to female contraception continues to tighten. I see your analogy about the cake, and I understand how you are viewing this, however, your analogy could still be used to further late term abortion arguments.Actually Eileen, the invented PC term for what you are describing is “pre-embryo.” This is a made up political term, as Princeton biologist and ESCR supporter Lee Silver admits in his book “Remaking Eden.” He saysOh BTW, by PC above, I meant politically correct, not pro-choice.God love you too, Bobby! The policy was introduced during the Obama-era which covered the birth control needs under the “contraceptive mandate”.The decision gives all institutes and organizations against female contraception the option to take back the facility of providing free birth control.The women are already facing issues in accessing the contraceptives due to coronavirus pandemic. I just thought I would cease this opportunity to voice my disgust at the state of women’s health care as it is something that has bothered me for a very long time. Okay… back that up. I’ve answered this before, but I’ll answer it again.“A pregnancy doesn’t begin until typically 6 days after fertilization, at implantation.”Actually, that particular ‘possible’ cake would be destroyed forever.but disseminating false information to push their moral agenda on other people, setting the woman’s rights movement back by decades, and hurting the pro-life movement by attempting to take away what could be one of the single most valuable tools of protecting the unborn we could possibly possess is rather heinous, and in my opinion warrants a little bit of an unpleasant demeanor.Yes, Sally, but my problem is when somone willfully screws with the cake-baking mechanisms with the express intent of destroying that delicious cake. That is what it is delibrately designed to do. It happens and women should be made aware of this because there are some who would not take it given that information.One could argue that a cake really isn’t a cake until it’s fully you don’t care so much about saving babies as you do imposing your moral standards on women, and using children as a punishment for enjoying sex. (When breakthrough ovulation does occur (and sperm make it through the thickened cervical mucus) you are then dealing with a chemical abortion.