Piles is a very common and troubling condition where the veins around the rectum get inflamed leading to bleeding, difficulty in passing stool and even cancer in worst cases. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You can also add ginger, pears or green apple to enhance the taste and nutritious value.Here we enlisted 20 research-based bitter gourd juice benefits for health, skin and hair. Bitter gourd is liver friendly and detoxifies. As bitter gourd promotes inner health therefore there is hardly any chance of pimples and acne to resurface. Here is how to go making it.How did you find it? Here is the list of some of the best uses you can make of karela to achieve healthy skin and body.It is invariably very good for your skin. Karela is very effective in treating ringwork, fungal infections and other skin conditions caused due to bacteria and other microbes. It is a green oblong-shaped fruit with an exterior that has ‘warts’. Ya, I know this might make it look yucky, but the benefits it provides overshadows its unimpressive looks. Don’t read me wrong, I am talking about bitter gourd juice. If you ask any doctor, they would tell you a lot about the various uses of geranium oil for health and well-being. Not tried it yet? And how? More research is needed to determine if it can help reduce belly fat.While some people find karela juice delicious, others may find its bitter taste unpalatable.In addition, it may not be good to drink too much of this juice, as doing so can lead to adverse effects like stomach pain, diarrhea, and an upset stomach. Many believe it can help boost your skin’s glow. Thanks to several studies, bitter melon has been found to be effective in preventing various types of cancers: from lymphoid leukemia, and lymphoma, to melanoma, breast cancer, skin tumor, prostate cancer, carcinoma of the tongue and larynx, bladder cancer etc.A cup of bitter gourd juice has 26 mg of Vitamin C (which is an active antioxidant). Let’s have a look into them.Bitter melon is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, which help promote skin health. It contains anti-helminthic properties that treat parasitic conditions like malaria very effectively(Bitter melon is a very potent blood purifier. Instead of  relying on medicines after the onset of disease, one can prevent by using this. Karela contains polypeptide-P, charantin and vicine that not only show antidiabetic properties but are identified as very efficient hypoglycemic agents.Polypeptide-P is also called plant-based insulin as it functions just like the insulin hormone. Wash it thoroughly underwater. The anti-bacterial properties in karela help in deep cleansing of skin pores and warding off bacteria that cause acne, pimples, blackheads, blemishes and other skin conditions(Skin itching is mostly caused due to infestation of microbes and infections on the skin. Bitter melon leaves have anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe the veins and tissues and treat piles.Here are our 4 best benefits of bitter gourd juice for skin. The anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties of karela also contribute to stronger immunity.Karela has high anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce bad cholesterol in the body(Bitter melon is high in beta carotene and vitamin A which are very beneficial for eyes. Let us understand more about karela juice benefits for a healthy body.Karela, also called pavakkai, kakarakaya, ampalaya or hagalakayi in various Asian regions is a sub-tropical and tropical fruit from the squash family, though most of us think of it as a vegetable. This helps reduce wrinkles and slows down the aging process.Whether it is skin infections, eczema, or psoriasis, regular intake of bitter gourd juice helps in warding off fungal infections like ringworm and athlete’s foot and improve upon psoriasis.On applying juice of the karela leaves to the affected skin patch, you will experience relief from the constant and irritating itching.Want a natural shine in your hair? 1. It looks like warty, pale green version of a cucumber, don’t you think? How To Lighten Skin Complexion With Fermented Milk. Some people find that adding a dash of salt and a squeeze of The fruit is a common ingredient in cuisines from subtropical regions like the Caribbean, Africa, Southeast Asia, and parts of China. Bitter gourd / melon has rightly been said beauty gourd because of its so many benefits and uses to achieve glowing and perfect skin. Let’s see how karela juice fares in the edible section! So what are you waiting for? Doing so will help you avoid the harsh flavor generally associated with the fruit.To help mellow the taste, you can soak bitter melon flesh in water with lemon juice for about 30 minutes before blending it.If you own a juicer, you may use this instead of the blender. Cut into small pieces and blend it with the lemon juice. Glowing Skin As this is a natural method hence this can be easily done and also there is no side effect.Due to its high water content bitter gourd provides a cooling effect to the whole body. It also boosts collagen production.Patients suffering from asthma can thank bitter gourd juice for the immense relief it brings from allergens.There is evidence that the extract of bitter melon can help reduce stomach and intestinal disorders, and improve overall digestive health.Going by the studies conducted on natural antidotes of HIV/AIDS, juice of a karela can prevent damage to the skin cells.Are you a regular drinker?