I have ME/CFS as well as being hypothyroid and I’d like to learn more about the benefits of CBD oil for these conditions. I think I went from hypo. Thank you!Thank you for your help with CBD oil which I much appreciate. Other drugs that have the same active ingredients (e.g. The study is created by eHealthMe based on reports of 12 people who take Cannabis and Levothyroxine sodium from the FDA, and is updated regularly. All rights reserved. I take 75mcg daily of levothyroxine and 12.5mcg daily of cytomel. I experimented with CBD oil in capsules but didn’t feel any different. Thanks.Hi Mandy, can you please send me the link if possible? I take CBD oil for Crohn Disease to reduce the activity of digestive track, reduce spasm, reduce anxiety, reduce pain. Levothyroxine (Synthroid, Levoxyl), liothyronine (Cytomel), and other thyroid hormone drugs for hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), can be affected by taking supplements and can affect your ability to absorb certain vitamins and minerals. Posted by 2 years ago. The company I get it from aren't legally allowed to give any medical advice. Hi All, I've recently started taking 25mg of Levothyroxine (am totally confused about my blood results, will talk about that in a separate post) and neither the pharmacist nor GP were able to tell me if I can continue taking cbd oil, which I use for anxiety and sleep. Archived. Many thanksCould u possibly give me the FB/ CBD oil link please ?I’d be interested in the link as well please. I recently just started learning about CBD oil and I have been reading about how it can interfere with my hypothyroid medication. And products like CBD oil present far fewer side effects than most prescription-strength drugs. Drug interactions are reported among people who take Cannabis and Levothyroxine sodium together. Need Advice. generic drugs) are not considered. Most people who use CBD for thyroid disorder often use a single high-quality CBD oil. I wan more information on how CBD might interact with ThyroxineHi Mandy. CBD oil may address a variety of thyroid malfunctions. Levothyroxine replaces missing thyroxine and is the preferred medicine to treat hypothyroidism. CBD for Thyroid Disorders: What the Studies Are Showing. The company I get it from aren't legally allowed to give any medical advice. Any advice welcomed, thank you!ive been taking CBD oil for a few weeks now, i will inbox you a facebook page thats full of great advice and infobut i do know you have to leave a 2 hour gap between oil and medicationa 4 hour gap for beta blockers statins and blood thinnersCan you send me the link to the CBD oil Facebook page? Kindest regardsHi, could you please send me Facebook link also . CBD oil and hypothyroidism - interference with levothyroxine and cytomel. I will talk with my doctor about effect of CBD oil on my blood pressure medication and see how it can be adjusted. The dosage of levothyroxine needs to be tailored for each individual and there is a fine line between taking too much thyroxine and toxic side effects, and having too little, resulting in compromised functioning. January is Thyroid Awareness Month, which is a perfect time to explore alternative therapies, such as cannabidiol (CBD), for thyroid health. Now using the brand PLUS CBD oil extra strength 3 mg in liquid form and I … Thanks!Please Mandy can you please me this link if it is possible - it is amazing that your GP has recommended you to take the oil - thanks a million - Victoria99Hi Mandy I know I'm a bit late but please could you send this info to me as well? My dr has recommended me to take it and I would love to have more info about it all. The study is based on marijuana and levothyroxine sodium (the active ingredients of Cannabis and Levothyroxine sodium, respectively), and Cannabis and Levothyroxine sodium (the brand names). Use of this site constitutes acceptance of eHealthMe.com's terms of service and privacy policy. I’m going to go off the Levothyroxine for a month and start cbd again and see what happens 2. levothyroxine and cbd oil has anyone used cbd oil while taking levothyroxine if so have you had any...There have been rumours for a while that CBD oil is going to lose its food supplement status...manage my dose of CBD.