We only sell open-pollinated seeds: pure, natural & non-GMO! For those who love basil this one has a zesty difference. Organic seed options. Plant lime basil where the plant is exposed to sunlight for at least six hours each day. We offer over 1350 heirloom varieties, www.rareseeds.com. Robin has been a contributor to The Old Farmer’s Almanac and the All-Seasons Garden Guide for many years. Every spring we plant about a dozen different varieties of basil but I’m told there are over 150 species to choose from! Too many seeds will make the basil feel crowded not germinate. 12-24". To preserve it for winter use, freeze the leaves in a plastic bag or in water. However, most gardeners prefer to buy starter plants at a nursery or garden center. The tangy flavor is most pronounced when the plant is harvested You’ll find many varieties to choose from. Your browser is currently set to block cookies. The most flavorful Asian basil is grown in Láng village, Hanoi and nearby. Spritz soil with a spray bottle every day to keep moist. In Haiti, it was used by the pagan love goddess Erzulie as a protector. How to Grow Basil from Seed. What is lime basil? Leaving the flowers on basil plants tends to engender a straggly looking specimen with fewer leaves to harvest. before blooming. The amount of sunlight this product needs daily in order to perform well in the garden. Excellent for flavoring sauces, dressings and desserts. It has been associated with both love and madness! It is delicious as a sandwich spread, mixed with yogurt for a dip, add it to soup, pizza, and of course as a pasta sauce. prefers good air circulation and doesn’t do well in a crowded bed. But while basil loves the sun, the leaves can scorch in intense light. lime basil isn’t difficult, and the herbs can be planted in the garden or grown herb in a container, use a good quality commercial potting mix.You can start lime basil seeds indoors in late winter, about Trialed by our research team and 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Basil requires … Beautiful in casual flower bouquets, imparts a sweet cinnamon aroma.Ornamental, flavorful Thai type with larger leaves and showy flowers.Common medicinal herb and ingredient in Thai teas, also known as Tulsi. However, Allow 12 to 16 inches (25-35 cm.) Basil thrives on heat and full sun. As soon as seedlings emerge, provide plenty of light on a sunny windowsill or grow seedlings 3-4 inches beneath fluorescent plant lights turned on 16 hours per day, off for 8 hours at night. Grow Lime Basil (Ocimum americanum 'Lime'.) Add this herb with lemon basil and you will have an explosion of citrus flavor for fish, salads, pastas, etc. Better yet —make and freeze lots of pesto. Shopkeepers there sprinkle basil water around their stores to ward off evil spirits and bring prosperity. Lime Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a rare seed variety of the herb basil. Basil does not require fertile soil, however it performs best when organic matter is added. The parts of the plant that grow above the ground are used to make medicine. from seed. windowsill. Check potted basil plants daily during hot weather as This website occasionally uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. This will also encourage branching and increase your  yield. As a companion plant it is supposed to enhance the growth of tomatoes and peppers and protect them from insects.For the best flavor, cut your basil before it flowers. as you like. If drainage is She and her partner Tom have a small greenhouse business and also sell plants, cut flowers, and vegetables at their local Farmer’s Market. Avoid Growing basil needs plenty of sunlight – about 6-8 hours per day. I've just recently realized -- and you have confirmed -- that there are varieties of basil that are used in Thai cooking that have a distinct taste. If you’re growing lime basil It makes a great ornamental as well as a culinary herb. Additional ways in which the product may be used in the garden. Popular variety for fresh market! A close cousin to the more common lemon Wait until the soil has warmed up nicely and night temperatures are reliably mild—above 50 degrees at least—before planting it outside. Please turn it on so that you can experience the full capabilities of this site. Basil will usually need to be pruned every two to three weeks and it’s okay to go at it. ‘Siam Queen’ was an All-America Selections winner years ago and it has stood the test of time. 50 - $7.20 $ 7 . Annual. The lime scent of the bright green, lance-shaped leaves pair perfectly with lemon basil for a full explosion of tangy fresh flavor. Grow a few basil plants in containers so you can bring them indoors before fall frost. over feeding, which will weaken the citrusy flavor.Snip leaves and stems and use them in the kitchen as often and summer using a water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half strength. Regular trimming will keep the plant bushy and compact.Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Please enter your email address below and we will notify you when this product is back in stock. Starting seeds outdoors in the fall is called Outdoor Sow or Direct Sow and these dates are when to sow seeds outdoors in the fall