The optic nerve head in acquired optic neuropathies. If a person has glaucoma or has a history of steroid related eye pressure problems, they should consult with an ophthalmologist for monitoring of eye pressure if steroid treatment is being contemplated.Finally, some cases of central serous retinopathy have been associated with steroid use. Symptoms can include visual disturbances, headaches, and nausea. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. A loss of focusing ability also occurs with the dilation. Plaquenil can rarely cause a retinal problem involving the central visual area, or macula. Read More On: Macular swelling can cause symptoms similar to those that occur with an attack of optic neuritis, or may not be noticed at all. This usually requires at least 2 weeks of continuous steroid use, and is reversible if the steroid is discontinued. Patton’s folds may be seen: chorioretinal folds Gilenya can cause macular edema (swelling in the central visual part of the retina), generally within 3-4 months of starting treatment. Again, it is not meant to be a complete list of ocular medication side effects. An ocular syndrome has been identified characterized by acute myopia and secondary angle closure glaucoma. Patients should also be encouraged to report any prior or current history of alpha-1 antagonist use to their ophthalmic surgeon prior to undergoing any eye surgery”.Amiodarone is an antiarrhythmic medication used to treat serious cardiac arrhythmias such ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation as well as some atrial arrhythmias. Each wire transmits part of the visual information into the brain. Safer doses may be 15 mg/kg/day or less. Worst Pills, Best Pills is a project of Public Citizen's Health Research Group. Regular eye examinations should be performed in patients on this medication because the treatment of mycobacterial infections is usually very lengthy.Oral use of fluoroquinolones, and most specifically Cipro, have been associated with an increased risk of acute Gilenya is a relatively new medication for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. The listing that follows discusses these more notable cases. The Academy of Ophthalmology cautions the use of this drug in individuals with retinitis pigmentosa, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy. Pigmentation of various body sites including skin, nails, bone, mouth and eyes secondary to minocycline therapy has been reviewed recently. Your eye doctor will check your vision and your ability to perceive colors and measure your side (peripheral) vision. It acts by binding free iron in the bloodstream and enhancing its elimination in the urine. People suffering from an inflamed optic nerve may also feel some pain along with vision problems. They also can lead to a decrease in focusing ability (accommodation). It has been suggested that nocturnal hypotension may play a role in NAION development, and PDE-5 inhibitors may enhance this effect, resulting ultimately in ischemia of the optic nerve.The incidence of NAION cases of men using PDE-5 inhibitors worldwide is consistent with that of the general U.S. population.Patients who have experienced an episode of NAION should avoid using PDE-5 inhibitors, as such individuals may be susceptible to developing NAION in the contralateral eye.The prescribing information for amiodarone recommends regular ophthalmic examinations, including at baseline and then every 6 months, for patients receiving the drug.Symptoms are gradual, and there is a painless onset of bilateral vision loss. and MedNet Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Call 804-270-0330 to make an appointment with a Richmond Eye Associates doctor. Symptoms of dry eye include the sensation that something is in the eye, redness, burning, and even blurred vision. The rise in pressure can be very high but if often asymptomatic. Symptoms have typically occurred within the first month of therapy, with patients reporting an acute onset of decreased visual acuity and/or ocular pain. To comment on this article, contact What initiates the immune system to attack the myelin is not fully understood but such assault results in the swelling of the myelin, and eventually the optic nerve, thereby affecting the vision.People who have a family history of multiple sclerosis or inflamed optic nerve are predisposed to have it as well. Most patients with interferon retinopathy are asymptomatic; however, vision loss may occur and can be irreversible in some patients even after discontinuation of therapy.