If you have unused medication that has gone past the expiration date, talk to your pharmacist about whether you might still be able to use it.How long a medication remains effective can depend on many factors, including how and where the medication is stored.Emgality should be stored in the refrigerator, at a temperature between 36⁰F and 46⁰F (2⁰C and 8⁰C). Aimovig, on the other hand, binds to CGRP, which also prevents CGRP from binding to the receptors.So both drugs block CGRP from binding to its receptors, but they do it in slightly different ways. When you first get your prescription for Emgality, your healthcare provider will explain how to inject the medication yourself.The first time you inject Emgality, you may do it at your doctor’s office or at your home. Prefilled syringes come in two strengths: 100 mg/mL and 120 mg/mL.Each syringe and pen is made to be used once and then discarded.For migraine prevention, either the prefilled pen or a prefilled syringe containing one 120-mg dose of Emgality is used. The following list contains some of the key side effects that may occur while taking Emgality. These drugs are not broken down by the liver, as most other migraine prevention drugs are. However, Emgality is also approved to treat cluster headaches. While the cluster period lasts, use this medication monthly. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.© 2004-2020 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. Here’s some detail on some of the side effects this drug may or may not cause.Fatigue (low energy) was not reported as a side effect in However, fatigue is commonly a symptom of migraines that people can experience before, during, or after a migraine. Your next dose should be a month after that one. How much to take . It may also be a good option for people who can’t take other medications to prevent migraines or treat cluster headaches because of drug interactions or difficult side effects.Emgality belongs to a new class of drugs called calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) antagonists. Episodic cluster headaches have longer headache-free periods in between clusters than chronic cluster headaches do.Doctors may also prescribe drugs for other conditions that are not FDA-approved. You may report side effects to Health Canada at 1-866-234-2345.If someone has overdosed and has serious symptoms such as passing out or If you miss a scheduled monthly dose, use it as soon as you remember. To cause these effects, CGRP needs to bind (attach) to its receptors, which are molecules on the walls of cells in your brain.Emgality works by binding to the receptors itself, which blocks CGRP from doing the same. It’s not metabolized by cytochrome P450 enzymes. Your doctor will decide the best dose for you.After the first dose, which may be two or three injections, Emgality is injected once per month. It’s also thought that alcohol can worsen headaches during cluster headache attacks.If you find that alcohol causes more painful or more frequent migraines or headaches, you should avoid drinks that contain alcohol.Many drugs can interact with other medications. The recommended dose is an initial “loading” dose of 240 mg, given as two 120 mg injections, and a monthly maintenance dose of 120 mg. 1,2 Emgality is also approved to treat episodic cluster headaches in adults.Emgality comes as a single-dose prefilled syringe or pen. Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction can include:Call your doctor right away if you have a severe allergic reaction to Emgality. Both drugs are given as an injection under the skin (subcutaneous) that you administer yourself at home.For migraine prevention, Emgality is given as a single injection of 120 mg once per month. The first month you’re using Emgality to prevent migraines, you’ll take two injections at one time.For cluster headache treatment, Emgality is given as three 100-mg injections (for a total of 300 mg of the drug) once a month.Emgality is injected under the skin (subcutaneous), and you give yourself the injection at home. It was approved to treat episodic cluster headaches in 2019.Two other CGRP antagonists are also approved to prevent migraines. Continue to use each dose one month apart. And it may take several months for Emgality to take full effect.There aren’t enough studies to know if Emgality is safe to take during pregnancy. Emgality is used to prevent migraines from happening.