How does mirtazapine compare to other antidepressants? ).You WILL be able to much more easily lose weight after getting off of it & getting it all out of your system. :) Good luck!Since being put on mirtazapine I became a magician at 2 am. I am worried that I won’t lose the weight even when I have come off it, which seems to have happened to Ash. I've been on mirtazapine since Jan, started at 15mg and upped to a tablet and a half .. so i guess 22.5mg! It's used to treat depression and sometimes Mirtazapine is available only on prescription. I’m 32 years old and have always weighed between around 150 lbs. We can all react differently to any med. ).Personally, I would have stopped as soon as I realized about the weight gain if I’d been smart enough to read some of these kinds of forums!! 0000041433 00000 n 0000054154 00000 n Commonly reported Speak to your doctor if you're planning to get pregnant or become pregnant while taking mirtazapine.Some people can't concentrate properly while they are taking mirtazapine.When you first start taking mirtazapine, it's a good idea to stop driving and cycling for the first few days until you know how this medicine makes you feel.Cannibis with mirtazapine can make you feel very sleepy, especially if you've just started taking mirtazapine. 0000054251 00000 n If you become pregnant while taking mirtazapine speak to your doctor. I've been on it since sept last year - was on 15mg, went up to 45 mg art one stage. 0000031370 00000 n If I hadn't have gone off Mirt, I think I would've just kept gaining weight. They claim that the effects of H1 stimulation are counteracted by norepinephrine increases at higher levels. When I read about the possible rare side effect of “swelling” I cut my dose back down to 15mg. Fast forward to now, I’ve gained 40+ pounds that I cannot get off no matter the diet or exercise.I’m so conflicted, I NEED sleep but I also can’t continue to gain weight.I totally understand. Don't snack on foods that contain a lot of calories, such as crisps, cakes, biscuits and sweets. I was return them and ask for a refund but first I thought I would go next door to my neighbor and calibrate against his scales. After coming off of the high dose for 2 or 3 years and suffering from bad insomnia I asked to go on a low dose of seroquel to get some sleep. Luckily I did not gain weight but reaped the benefits in other good ways. HURRAY!!! Now that I’ve read about how much weight gain Remeron can cause, I threw away all the sweets in my house and am beginning a healthier, low-carb diet. What have your guys’ been in terms of weight gain on the drug and tips to help avoid it? And it was like a duh moment for me because well it makes since that if you take away the sugar, you can’t create fat. Mirtazapine has been linked to a very small increased risk of problems for your unborn baby. Low carbs. – responses tend to vary based on the individual. While Remeron is very likely to cause weight, the foods that you choose to eat, how much sleep you get, your stress level, and amount of exercise you get can influence whether you gain weight. When I told my doctor that I had gained eighteen pounds, he told me that he knew it could cause weight gain, and told me it was often prescribed to people who needed to gain weight.When I told him it had taken me a year to lose ten pounds, he said, “well you know what to do to lose the weight.” However, I had stuck to my eating plan even while on Remeron. Doesn’t feel/seem like a significant shift in diet, but possibly just eating more, snacking, not really thinking about it.I started taking 15mg of remeron Jan 04 2017 and the next day I started to want to eat junk food all day. There don't seem to be any lasting harmful effects from taking it for many months and years.If you've been feeling better for 6 months or more, your doctor may suggest coming off mirtazapine.Your doctor will probably recommend reducing your dose gradually over several weeks, or longer if you've been taking mirtazapine for a long time.This is to help prevent you getting any extra side effects as you come off the medicine.Do not stop taking mirtazapine suddenly, or without talking to your doctor first.Mirtazapine isn't any better or worse than other antidepressants. I gained about 30 pounds. !It makes it MUCH worse & also can destroy your health in other ways. Unless you are taking other medications to offset the weight gain, it is highly likely that you will gain weight on this medication. If I can do that, I’ll finally be down to my pre-Remeron weight, and can work on the losing the final twelve pounds that I have to lose.I won’t take Remeron ever again. Some people feel worse during the first few weeks of treatment before they begin to feel better.Once you're feeling better you're likely to keep taking mirtazapine for several months.Most doctors recommend that you take antidepressants for 6 months to a year after you no longer feel depressed.