Dealing with asthma or COPD, whichever the poster suffers from, is difficult. Mine! My private insurer changed the drug insurer and all the coverages changed with it. I can see a doctor switching a patient from Advair to Vanceril or some other generic corticosteroid (like Azmacort, Beclovent, Aerobid, etc). part d is run exclusively by the insurance companies and medicare can't even negotiate the prices you are charged, law was passed in 2007 by republican president and congress. However, as someone already stated, Albutera is now very cheap - even without insurance. While the … Down! The french really like their meat, don't they? Figure out how to improve your air quality, diet, and breathing patterns, and you'll be able to keep your asthma in check much more effectively, healthily, and naturally. Not true. I will look into Green+. Mullein is a good clearing agent, but is usually used in combination with other agents, not alone. So settle for ducks and chickens outside and our little rescue dogs]I have the same problem my asthma was well managed with advair and the old proventil after some years of serious problems. What a great image that conjured up-you always make me laugh!! So settle for ducks and chickens outside and our little rescue dogs]I'm not quite clear on how medicare just up and changed you without your input. Available for Android and iOS devices. Well, I guess that explains why it isn't on my Medicare formulary. When I had no insurance and couldn't get my Advair, I was wheezing terribly, even with the mega-hits of Albuterol in my lungs!Anyway, greetings to everyone... and hopefully THIS comment will get posted so you can read my greeting!Someone said they don't prescribe Advair in the us anymore. A doctor sees you and you get medicine for free plus gets paid for it. Evidently the ads on TV where you can hire a lawyer who promises to get you SSD has swelled the roles tremendously. (to quote Daffy Duck)Lara, and anyone else interested... going vegetarian has been the best thing I could have done for my body! And what constipates the body, ultimately constipates the mind. First they took away the proventil that worked so well and switched me to pro air (does not work as well) I am now on ventolin and it seems to be better, BUT losing my advair really threw me for a loop. Leona I have been on Advair for some time now I am down to two attachs this year.Last around this time 5 or 6 times last year it really made a big difference in my life. I too will be looking to see what replies you get for this good question! I am presently on AARP United Health Care Medicare and my copay is $47 a monthJust bring your list to the pharmacist! And there are far better liver cleansers than that one. Before your drop a dime at the pharmacy, find out if these popular cold and flu home remedies are a wonder or a waste It’s probably safe to say that when most people think “asthma inhaler” they think of someone searching for a cylindrical container, in their pocket or purse, as they gasp desperately for air, suffering from the acute symptoms of an asthma attack. Didn't find the answer you were looking for? If you would go to you would see a list of worldwide licensed and registered pharmacies. :)) My ins formulary covers only the rescue med as well. An Overview of Advair Alternatives Advair ® (fluticasone and salmeterol) is a prescription medication used to treat airway spasms (called bronchospasms) caused by asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ().Advair comes in two forms, the Advair Diskus ® and the Advair ® HFA inhaler. Just the camaraderie, getting out every day and learning new things would be great.I am ticked off at GSK who I believe makes Advair which I have been on successfully for 10 years. After reading a couple of articles on the intelligence of pigs, sausage just didn't attract his taste buds anymore! Mine! Liver cleansing should only be done periodically, so you don't wash out the good stuff. They soothe constriction and inflammation in the airways of your lungs (the cause of that struggling-for-air feeling), but they can't stop the triggers that irritate your lungs and make them constrict in the first place.Like any medication, inhalers carry the possibility of side effects. Peace. 1 tsp organic turmeric, 1/2 tsp of black pepper, 1 tablespoon of virgin organic coconut oil, 1 packet of stevia, half of a lemon (squeezed juice), in 8 oz of hot green tea. But again, that's Greens Plus, I don't know their detox product. There are also many natural antiinflammatories. Short-acting bronchodilators provide extremely fast relief of acute asthma symptoms. If I hear more ill let you know. Green+ Daily Detox would be a good all-in-one formula to try. Boswellia and Devil's claw are being researched right now for asthma sufferers, and there are more. It breaks my heart to think that donkeys, horses, dogs, cats, and monkeys are eaten in various parts of the world. Natural alternative to advair Oropharyngeal thrush on physical any of the natural alternative to advair following symptoms of a serious allergic reaction: rash hives natural alternative to advair swelling drug side effects. I have COPD and also have alpha 1 Anti-trypsen deficiency. On another note I love your posts. He figured out that if he loosened its container, the medicine would leak out of the machine, and he'd be able to go play with the other kids faster.That's not exactly effective for your kid's health or for all the money you're spending on wasted medicine.