Examples of these oral birth control pills include:Certain seizure drugs decrease the level of oxcarbazepine in your body. It will also be based on whether they’re switching from one seizure medication to another.This drug is not recommended for children younger than 2 years.Oxcarbazepine is removed from your body through your kidneys. Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) have been shown to be as efficacious in the treatment of AWS in several controlled trials as benzodiazepines and superior to placebo in relieving alcohol … It comes with serious risks if you don’t take it as prescribed.If you think that you’ve taken too much of this drug, call your doctor or local poison control center. Talk to your doctor about other drug options that may work for you.© 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. To find out how this drug might interact with something else you’re taking, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.Examples of drugs that can cause interactions with oxcarbazepine are listed below.Taking oxcarbazepine with oral birth control pills makes the pills less effective. Alcohol can worsen certain side effects from the drug, such as sleepiness or dizziness.Tell your doctor if you’re pregnant or plan to become pregnant. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If the symptoms are severe, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room right away.Keep these considerations in mind if your doctor prescribes oxcarbazepine for you.Before starting and during your treatment with oxcarbazepine, your doctor will check your:You and your doctor should also watch for the following:There are other drugs available to treat your condition. Call 911 if your symptoms feel life-threatening or if you think you’re having a medical emergency. Examples: Atorvastatin (Lipitor), fluvastatin (Lescol), lovastatin (Mevacor), pravastatin (Pravachol), … Symptoms can include:If you develop these symptoms, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.You shouldn’t drink alcohol while taking oxcarbazepine. If they’re more severe or don’t go away, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.Call your doctor right away if you have serious side effects. It’s available as a generic drug and as the brand-name drugs Trileptal and Oxtellar XR. Alcohol consumption increases the risk for ulcers, bleeding, or holes in the stomach and intestine - so if you do indulge, make it a glass instead of a bottle. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Introduction. Concerning differences between AEDs, a previous study reported that oxcarbazepine users had a higher risk of ischemic stroke and valproic acid and lamotrigine users had a lower risk in comparison with carbamazepine users among people with epilepsy 6 In our study with valproic acid as a reference, carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine … Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. The extended-release tablet is always used with other medications.Oxcarbazepine belongs to a class of drugs called antiepileptic medications. Some may be better suited for you than others. It comes as an oral extended-release tablet, immediate-release tablet, and suspension.Oxcarbazepine oral tablet is available as the brand-name drugs The immediate-release tablet may be used alone or as part of a combination therapy with other medications to treat seizures. Objective: Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) is a serious complication of alcohol dependence and often requires intensive medical treatment. Consult your healthcare professional (e.g., doctor or pharmacist) for more in formation.These medications may cause some risk when taken together. Your doctor may increase your dosage each week by 300–450 mg per day until you’re at a dosage that’s working to control your seizures.For the extended-release tablet, your doctor may increase your dosage once per week by 300–450 mg per day until the dosage is working for you.Oxcarbazepine is used for long-term treatment. 2. You should use a second form of birth control while you’re taking oxcarbazepine, such as a condom. This drug should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk.All possible dosages and forms may not be included here. Oxcarbazepine oral tablet is used to treat partial seizures in people with epilepsy. The safety and efficacy of oxcarbazepine was evaluated in adjunctive therapy trials, in comparative monotherapy trials with classic AEDs in adults and children with newly diagnosed …