Since the parotid gland produces and secretes saliva, any disruption to the outflow of this saliva can cause it to accumulate within the gland. Sometimes there may be hypertrophic lesions which are also benign.There are several malignant (cancerous) tumors of the parotid gland including mucoepidermoid carcinoma (the most common parotid gland cancer), adenocarcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, malignant mixed tumors, acinic cell carcinoma, primary squamous cell carcinoma, sebaceous carcinoma and salivary duct carcinoma. This includes:Various other signs and symptoms may also be present depending on the cause of a swollen parotid gland. In some cases there may also be skin redness or a rash over the area where the parotid gland is located.It is important to note that one-sided facial swelling is not always due to the parotid gland. Swelling is a consequence of inflammation, fluid or blood accumulation, or abnormal growths. Submandibular glands are below the jaw. Its main duct (Stensen duct) crosses the masseter muscle and opens in the buccal mucosa at the level of the second maxillary molar. The parotid gland is the largest of the sailvary glands lying on either side of the face, towards the back of the jaw and slightly below and in front of the ears. Some of these cancers are rare.Autoimmune diseases can affect the parotid gland leading to inflammation and disturbing its function. If it occurs after strenuous Request an Appointment at Mayo Clinic. One possible cause is the formation of a salivary gland stone, which is also known as sialolithiasis. This may include fever, enlarged lymph nodes, difficulty swallowing and bleeding from the mouth. Deep lobe parotid gland masses may extend to the parapharyngeal space and present … If the tumor contains cancer cells, additional treatments might be recommended. Select one or more newsletters to continue. This is usually not serious and will resolve with proper management as the infection subsides. The ducts of these glands help empty saliva into your mouth. Failure to comply may result in legal action.A parotid duct obstruction (PDO) is when your parotid gland is blocked. Herpes Zoster is a member of the Herpes family of viruses. Like any organ, the parotid gland can become afflicted with a range of diseases and disorders. Home treatments can sometimes be helpful. "Sjögren's Syndrome Foundation: "What is Sjögren's Syndrome? The culture is used to find the cause of your infection. Sialoliths are salivary gland stones. This is seen in a condition known as Sjogren’s syndrome, which also affects the tear ducts. If simple measures don't relieve the problem, surgery may be required to remove the blockage and/or the affected gland.Surgery is usually required to remove benign and malignant tumors. A pleomorphic adenima is a benign tumor the parotid gland. By nicole, June 19, 2014. Having the obstruction on only one side can lead to the parotid gland swelling on just that one side. Swelling of the parotid gland is one such problem that may be encountered.A swollen parotid gland may occur due to various different causes. It is triggered by local tissue injury. The deep lobe of the parotid gland lies medial to the facial nerve branches and the mandible. Inflammation of the parotid gland, whether due to trauma, infection or any other cause, is known as parotitis.Injury to the parotid gland can through a number of different ways. Injury to the cheek area, enlargement of the cheek muscles like the masseter, fluid accumulation in the face and allergic reactions like hives can cause swelling without involving the parotid gland.Some of the possible causes of a swollen parotid gland has been discussed below. Your parotid glands are the largest of your salivary glands and are located in your mouth in the upper part of either cheek, in front of and beneath your ears. Swelling happens in parotid glands on both sides of the face, giving the appearance of "chipmunk cheeks." Warthin's tumor can grow on both sides of the face and affects more men than women.While most salivary gland tumors are benign, some can be cancerous. However, even swelling of the duct can cause it to narrow and eventually become blocked. Some of these causative conditions may be mild and temporary whereas others can be serious. Minerals in your saliva can harden and form a stone that blocks the duct. For example, antibiotics may be used for bacterial infections while corticosteroids and immune-modulating agents may be prescribed for autoimmune conditions.