Patients who avoid them are adolescents, disabled women, obese persons, and rape and sexual trauma victims. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. from Michael Hughey, MD PRO . Examine the vulvar region looking for erythema or other rashes 2. They need to palpate the abdominal muscles to check the organs during this examination. A gynecologist will put on gloves. It is possible that an exam may increase the risk of infection.However, each person should discuss the best frequency of exams with their doctor.Pelvic exams are important in maintaining reproductive and sexual health.ACOG recommends seeing a gynecologist for STI testing if a person becomes sexually active before age 21, but a pelvic exam may not be necessary.The same organization recommends a Pap smear every 3 years beginning at age 21. Shopping Cart. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.© 2004-2020 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. A 2011 Their emotional distress and fear of pain lead women to avoid pelvic exams. Full bladders can cause extreme discomfort during a bimanual exam. Or a female patient may be uncomfortable being touched by a male physician. 1-978-291-6853 / The main equipment you will use is the speculum so it's important for you to understand the most commonly used types. They help doctors evaluate the causes of bleeding, pain, and vaginal discharge. They use a cotton swab to obtain a vaginal discharge sample from the cervix.Physicians can’t see the pelvic organs with their naked eyes. Building a better speculum. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommend that asymptomatic, healthy women receive cytology tests Physicians will also test for suspected STDs like chlamydia or gonorrhea. Then they will ask about health concerns.The person will then lie on their back and place their feet in footrests. The name comes from the term "yonic," a word to describe forms that resemble the vagina. Medical modesty can have its root in religious, cultural, or personal concerns. This tool helps gynecologists to spread apart the vaginal walls. The doctor will then ask the person to move toward the end of the table and bend their knees.First, the doctor will examine the vulva for signs of infection, swelling, and sores. They can simply attend their appointment.The doctor or nurse will usually ask if the person needs to use the bathroom, to help them feel more comfortable during the exam and so that they can be examined without distractions.If an individual has symptoms of burning during urination or urinary frequency, the doctor may request a urine sample.The exam does not cause pain, though it may cause some discomfort. Touch speculum onto patient’s thigh to see if temperature appropriate then insert speculum at slight angle into vagina above finger and rotate to level position as it's inserted Important: Insert speculum all the way BEFORE opening5. Having all the right tools well-organized and good nursing support will also make the exam as short as possible.More good news: The speculum may always be needed, but women need fewer exams these days. A pelvic exam involves visually and physically checking the female reproductive system and sexual organs. A doctor may also wish to perform a pelvic exam on a young woman if she has not had a menstrual period by the age of 15, or three years after her breasts have started developing.