Continue processing while gradually adding oil in a steady stream. I’m sure there are some unusual recipes out there that would be fun to experiment with!Hi there! I am finding my way back to health after being diagnosed with Lyme Disease and mold allergies. By swapping out half lemon juice, the pesto has a brighter, lighter flavor. Duh. Using walnuts as a substitute makes it more appealing to a cheapskate like me. Because pesto is strongly flavored and it doesn't keep (when exposed to the air for any length of time, the basil turns black), it's best to freeze it in small amounts. In a mini processor; add in the herbs, garlic, capers, half of the zest, mustard and anchovy fillets. Why I prefer this pesto: Traditional pestos use only olive oil as the liquid. A quick lemon basil pesto is tossed with hot pasta for a delicious and quick meal.Herby pastas are my favorite! But then again… maybe if I went to bed a decent time I’d have a different opinion of the matter. Great photos, too!i have to try OH SO HARD to keep my kitchen looking even that good! i'm a huge pesto fan!Goodness, my kitchen always looks like that. Well, Whole Foods came to my rescue this week.They had some basil that looked like it came right off the plant this morning. It has the same taste and texture, without the financial regret.It really is as simple to make as a recipe can get. If anything is constant in life, that is dishes and laundry. To make the pesto, combine the basil, cooled nuts/seeds, Parmesan, lemon juice, garlic and salt in a food processor or blender. All Rights Reserved. Despite it being the end of March, it’s still pretty darn cold here in the Northeast. With the machine running, slowly drizzle in the olive oil. It looks fantastic!Looks delicious! In a food processor, combine the basil, walnuts, preserved lemon, lemon juice, and garlic, and pulse to combine. With the machine running, pour in the remaining 1/2 cup oil until the mixture is finely chopped. doubt that getting up at 6am just isn’t for me. Does that mean I’m old?I then opened up the can of anchovies, measured and drained two to three tablespoons of capers (I honestly lost count), zested a lemon and smashed the beejesus out of a clove of garlic.Then, in a food processor, mine is of the mini kind, add the parsley, basil and garlic.Next, add in half of the zest, the capers and two anchovy fillets.Then, with three minutes left on the pasta, drop in the peas.Once the pasta is cooked, pour it into a colander to drain it.Then toss the peas and pasta in a bowl and add in the lemon & basil pesto.Next, add in the remaining zest and squeeze in the juice of half a lemon.Finally, taste the pesto-pasta and season to taste.Serve this lemon basil pesto pasta and immediately start shoveling it in to your face all the while thinking how freaking more amazing it would be if your grocery store carried fresh tuna. Pasta? This is a beautiful dish!MMMMmmmmm….love pesto! Add the drained pasta and peas to a large bowl. Taste, and adjust if necessary. Add the I keep trying to explain this to my husband…and he just doesn't get it This pasta though? And it must also be very fresh with the lemon!Over the past few years I’ve been on a mission to find and create recipes that I can make from scratch. As for the mess, that just goes with cooking, doesn't it?LOL – I can completely relate to the kitchen aftermath! 9am is much better! I'll admit I've always been fearful of cooking with anchovies… maybe I need to get over this fear and make this pesto!Ha! My name is Deanna and I have been on a health quest the past few years. My kitchen is a complete disaster when I cook! Lately I’ve been longing for some fresh basil, but my efforts to grow it indoors this winter have entirely failed. I love how you showed a picture of your kitchen omg what a fun idea! If only…. pepper. Pulse all ingredients in blender or food processor, adding extra virgin olive oil gradually until the desired consistency is achieved. Perfect for making some delicious lemon basil walnut pesto.This twist on a traditional basil pesto has two simple modifications – the addition of lemon juice and zest, as well as walnuts in place of pine nuts.I don’t know about you, but when I see the hefty price tag of pine nuts in the grocery store, I can somehow convince myself to buy the jarred stuff (yuck!) Add cheese; pulse just until blended. I hope you enjoy the recipes on this blog as they are tried and true from my kitchen to yours!And if you give this Lemon Basil Pesto Pasta recipe a try, let me know by snapping a photo and tagging me on It’s almost as fun as going to jury duty during your 9 day vacation. salt, and 1/8 tsp. Pizza? I am not a fan of tuna, so I am happy just the way it is!Such a lovely and flavorful looking recipe, Laurie! Of course. I know, where that empty spot on my fork is… pretend there’s a perfectly flaked piece of tuna. i am in love with lemon and basil together lately…so delicious!This looks a-mazing! Place the walnuts and garlic in the bowl of a food processor fitted with a steel blade. Perfect for making some delicious lemon basil walnut pesto.