Scott Pelley reports. A heat wave helped fuel a ferocious spate of fires, costing people their homes and so much more. Recently Pioglitazone was banned from India without any evidence of increased bladder cancer in our population. German health officials followed suit after reviewing the French report, which tracked diabetics from 2006 to 2009.Robert Spanheimer, Takeda's vice president of medical and scientific affairs, told "The FDA has had a look at all our data and have not given us an indication at this time," Spanheimer told Reuters. The Central Idaho Dark Sky Reserve, draped over nearly one million acres of wilderness areas and the Sawtooth National Forest, is a major draw for amateur astrophotographers capturing the heavens The Drug Controller said the ban is being reviewed in the interest of patients who use the drug as it is cheaper but insisted that patient safety is foremost in the mind of the ministry. Anderson Cooper gets the actor to open up about his childhood, his nervousness on set, and how he felt about his "Joker" character. It is prescribed for patients with type 2 diabetes. Actos is banned in some countries except USA. “Took Actos prescribed by VA doctor, now because of this, I have got stage 4 bladder cancer. The disease can lead to heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, kidney disease, blindness, or amputation. Choose your reason below and click on the Report button. Beaches are being polluted and communities, including the Navy SEALs and Border Patrol, are getting sick from the waste. This will alert our moderators to take actionHealth ministry to review ban on Pioglitazone tomorrowNEW DELHI: In the wake of opposition from industry and medical fraternity to the ban on anti-diabetes drug Copyright © 2020 Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. However, doctors across the country claim there has been no proper study to ascertain the ill-effects of Pioglitazone and alternative drugs are much costlier. Actos, or pioglitazone, makes the body more sensitive to insulin, in order to control blood sugar levels. Pioglitazone ban: Was the drug banned to appease big pharma? List of banned drugs. India has started taking the drug abuse very seriously now. After almost two decades, the church is rising again with new iconography from a monastery on Mt. ‘Ban will hit major pharma companies’ “The decision to ban pioglitazone and its combinations will hit the Rs 700-crore market for such drugs and adversely impact a clutch of companies including Abbott, Sun Pharma, USV, Lupin, Ranbaxy and Wockhardt,” industry experts said. New York, New York (PRWEB) July 09, 2013 The blockbuster diabetes drug Actos (pioglitazone) has been banned in India according to a June 27 news report in The Times of India.Along with the Actos ban, the government has also suspended sales of … Still, for photographers, stargazers and astronomers alike, dark sky reserves (where outdoor lighting is regulated) offer some of the best views of the universe above, and a chance to look up in wonder. Telescopes in Hawaii and Chile spotted traces of phosphine, a noxious gas that on Earth is only associated with life. A nonprofit is helping feed people facing food insecurity in the Dallas area, and it's doing it with the help of a father and his son. The Union government on 26 June 2013 has banned three major medicines— anti-diabetes drug pioglitazone, painkiller analgin and anti … Actos (pioglitazone) is a medication used for Type 2 diabetes which has been prescribed over 100 million times in the U.S. Getty Images A look back at the esteemed personalities who've left us this year, who'd touched us with their innovation, creativity and humanity In taped conversations with a Washington Post journalist, President Trump said he wanted to downplay the severity of the coronavirus. The agency told French doctors to stop prescribing the drugs to patients, but said people currently using them should consult their doctors. Correspondent Martha Teichner talks with health officials about the public’s response to the coronavirus, and examines how the federal government's leadership during a health crisis has been marred by the fingerprints of politics and the dynamics of an election calendar.