Plant & Animal Identification ( = Plants And More) This part of the site shall help you to identify unknown plants, like cacti, ferns, hydrophytes, orchids, ornamentals, palms, succulents, herbs, shrubs, trees or wildflowers.They are sorted by their scientific names. Supplemental information from the encyclopedia makes it more comprehensive. Thus the plant in question has follicles and irregular flowers with a single spur, it must be a Delphinium. The first couplet to be consulted stands at the head of the key next to the number 1. PLANTS Interactive ID Keys. Knowing the name of the family one can turn the keys to genera for determining the generic name and then for the specific identity of the plant to the species key. Keys in Plant Identification: ADVERTISEMENTS: A key is a device for easily identifying an unknown plant by a sequence of choices between two or more statements. In this the two couplets are always next to each other in consecutive lines on the page. Chenopodiastrum murale. It may be necessary to provide two sets of keys in some groups; flowering versus fruiting material, vegetative versus flowering, or staminate versus pistillate for dioecious plants. Punched card keys consist of cards of suitable size with names of all the taxa (all families, genera or species for which the key is meant) printed on each one of them. One form is a diagnostic key that uses cards placed on top of one another to eliminate taxa that disagree with the specimen to be identified. Each time a card is added, families not perforated in this new card are excluded. Dome-shaped unexpanded thalamus; polysepalous; hypogynous; ovary superior. Each couplet has its 2 leads immediately adjacent under the same left-hand number. Characters following the lead are secondary key characters. PLANTS Interactive ID Keys: Introduction. Nature of specimen – herbaceous, or woody; annual or perennial. It is organized in different databases. Caryophyllaceae). Clematis (3) Sepals usually 5; involucre present……… Anemone The number at the right end of a line in the bracket key indicates the next numbered pair of choices to be considered. All rights reserved.The Go Botany project is supported The first choice, with in the above genera is between “Fruit a group of achenes; flowers not spurred” and “Fruit a group of follicles; flowers spurred”, these paired statements being given the same indention. Keys, however, have several major disadvantages. Flower and its parts – actinomorphic or zygomorphic. For this reason the sequence of taxa is often quite artificial, and such keys are frequently termed artificial keys. Lamiaceae); stigmas. Identify 99% common species. 1. This contains usually the analytical keys and descriptions. The information in reference to each plant was gleaned from a variety of sources listed in a bibliography at the end of the manual. The polyclaves in existence are (a) cards with holes commonly referred to as “peck-a-boo” or “window” cards (b) edge-punched or “key sort” cards and (c) semi-transparent overlays. is a free plant identification service based on machine learning. If sufficient numbers of characters are contrasted, the number of possibilities is eventually reduced to one. 9. Take a photo, upload it, and instantly get a name and information about your plant. Third method is the identification by means of monographs or revisionary works accounting for the particular family or genus. Keys used in floras are usually diagnostic, that is, identifying an unknown plant by the conspicuous features. Answer Now and help others.