Gallbladder diseases can change the color of stool.Treatments for gallbladder problems depend on the cause. Does anyone have a typical list of the anti-rejection drugs? My husband will have medicare and a supplemental insurance when and if he gets a transplant ... Treatment may include medication and frequent monitoring, including blood work and Diseases of the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas can quickly become life-threatening. Some women develop a pregnancy-related liver disease called Doctors do not fully understand what causes cholestasis, but they think that pregnancy hormones might affect liver functioning. Best of luck to you.“No one should have to fund raise for life saving medications” BreatheOn’s words should be the catchphrase for a movement!!! This can lead to the food moving too quickly through the gut, causing a pale and fatty-looking stool.Treatment for pancreatitis depends on the cause. If the pale stool persists, they might be wise to see a doctor within a day.If there are other symptoms, such as pain, dark urine, turning yellow, vomiting, or a fever, it is best to seek urgent treatment.Bowel movements reveal important information about a person’s health. 59 years old. Other underlying conditions require long-term management.© 2004-2020 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. However, there are some OTC medications that may cause problems in a post-transplant … Earlier this year, my online insurance pharmacy raised my Tacrolimus copay considerably. All rights reserved. Those with severe liver disease may need a liver transplant.When problems with another organ, such as the gallbladder, cause problems with the liver, a doctor must treat that condition as well.In addition to pale stool, other symptoms of liver disease include:Anyone under a doctor’s care for liver disease should report any changes to stool color.Diseases of the pancreas can make it hard for this organ to secrete pancreatic juices into the digestive system. However, these diseases are usually treatable.The longer a problem with these important organs continues, the more likely it is to cause lasting harm or damage other organs. Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.. If there are any changes to medicare or medicaid, I may not be eligible for transplant surgery and treatment. Yet, it is important to be mindful of the potential cause of false-positive urine cannabinoid screen in PPI users. However, long-lasting pale stool or stool that is white can indicate a serious issue with the liver, pancreas, or gallbladder. My COE keeps on top of patient finances and insurance and does counseling along the journey of transplant care. can be difficult to navigate, but it also may be of help. Have you been evaluated for a Lung Transplant ... All rights reserved. Treatment for liver disease depends on the specific condition and how far it has progressed. This thread is for those contemplating transplant as a treatment to their condition. Many of you have been following my posts and requesting I continue, so here you are. ... (Protonix). When the stool is very pale, it often means that not enough bile is reaching the stool.Problems with the gallbladder, pancreas, or liver are reasons why stool may not contain enough bile. It's is driven by comments that have occurred during support ... 2 FAX 919.668.3897 Pre 919.668.3407 Post URL Duke Transplant Center Kidney Transplant Program -VOH 5SBOTQMBOU 1SPHSBN THE DUKE LUNG TRANSPLANT OPERATION AND … Valcyte, however, is a tough one. Not everyone is prescribed Valcyte, or they may be on it for a limited period of time. I’m scared if I gave transplant I can’t afford medication after wards if my husband was to pass away. I am on Medicare but not quite ready for a transplant. I was hoping some of the post transplant folks here might be able to help me. Another resource for medication payments is the transplant team social worker assigned to you, or you could contact the Valcyte pharmaceutical company and ask about discounts related to income. Hello everyone, it's me again Margarette! With Medicare and supplement the high point us $2043.99 for all drugs for a month. It is fine for bowel movements to be lighter than usual occasionally. Just met with doctor in charge of evaluation process for lung transplants at a COE who believes I will be a ... Thanks for alerting those who could be so affected and informing the rest of us. Many things can change the color of stool, including vitamins, infections, and certain foods. When children and babies have very pale or white poop, a doctor should see them as soon as possible.In this article, learn about the causes of pale stool, as well as their accompanying symptoms and how to treat them.Bile from the liver creates the typical brown hue of a healthy bowel movement.