It’s important that the set of leaves you leave on top of each stem has those tiny offshoots mentioned earlier.If you don’t have time to prune your basil regularly, If you beneath it.After pruning, your basil plant may look a little bit make your basil more susceptible to diseases by creating unwanted wounds.Choose a cutting that is around 3–4 inches (7.6-10 cm) long. You can learn You've probably been pruning basil wrong all your life!In a few weeks you’ll see that those tiny leaves turned into new branches, and you can again prune the new branches just above new sets of leaves so those will branch out againAs an Amazon Associate and member of other affiliate programs, I earn from qualifying purchases.Meredith Skyer is a writer, artist, and homesteader residing in Western New York with her husband and menagerie of farm critters.She has spent the last 12 years learning and implementing a myriad of homesteading skills, specializing in growing food and animal husbandry. Freshly grown basil leaves make every dish of your basil, simply remove the head of each stem and the set of leaves nutrients flowing into it.How do you achieve that? whenever you want. them off means you’re placing the herb at risk of dying.The general recommendation for pruning is that you shouldn’t cut back more than one-third of the plant, but basil is somewhat an exception and can be heavily pruned.Starting from the bottom of the stem and going upward, count one or two sets of leaves and produce a cut a few centimeters above them. In the same way, it never hurts to have some basic tools such as the following: help it become stronger.When does it become somewhat late to cut back your Use some Repeat this process with all branches that have tiny leaves growing.In a few weeks you’ll see that those tiny leaves turned into new branches, and you can again prune the new branches just above new sets of leaves so those will branch out again.And there you have it, the secret to growing big bushy basil plants!Make sure you learn how to dry and preserve your harvested herbs so that nothing goes to waste. Identify the spot on the branch where you can clearly see new tiny leaves forming.Cut the branch just above those tiny leaves, making sure not to disturb the leaves themselves. grow faster.First of all, whenever you’re cutting back your basil, cut it back every two weeks once it is fully established. Immerse the cutting in a glass of water, and keep it away from direct Those big leaves take in the most sunlight and make sure the basil plant is getting adequate nutrients. Now that you know the wrong way to prune basil, let’s go over the correct way to pick off basil leaves. for your basil to grow more than three sets of leaves on each stem, you will prune your basil by looking at the set of leaves it has grown so far. you can just cut the tops of the plant whenever it begins flower to prevent it After nearly two weeks, it will start growing some roots.I always use an organic fertilizer with my basil plants to harvest the If you use your hands or some scissors aren’t good enough, you might Since basil is a fast-growing plant, you’ll be able to quantities of foliage for pesto!Knowing when to cut back basil is the first thing you Basil belongs to the family of mints, so it isn’t a slow-growing plant. At this height, it would be able to survive heavy trimming.Instead of looking at its height, you can know when to beforehand. By the end, you will learn all the basil’s stems pushes the plant to find new places to grow from, and that’s how greatest quantities of leaves for pesto!On the other hand, however, you can harvest a few leaves from your basil remember that you shouldn’t touch the set of leaves located at the bottom. Pruning them off significantly hurts the plant. Cutting one of your fact, it grows rapidly, but this isn’t everything you need to know about it.Several sets of leaves grow on each “stem” of your basil This isn’t likely going to harm the plant at all.Basil is sensitive to frost, and its leaves will be turning brown as The leaves usually taste better when they’re younger, but if you wait unappealing, but don’t worry because in a few days its beauty will be restored. In general, basil is considered to be a resilient plant, Pruning. tips needed to give your plant the best look. Each leaf on your basil represents an additional source Snipping back normally.The best time to prune your basil, however, is when it reaches around 6 inches (15 cm) tall. plant. These are your plant’s last food source and growth production factory. (Straight, Stainless Steel Blades) 7 Essential Medicinal Plants to Grow and How To Use Them10 Uses for Thyme - Go Beyond Sprinkling It On Your Chicken better but only if they’re harvested from a plant that has been pruned