The only drastic change was stopping putting chemicals on my skin.I had pretty bad dandruff, but my hair was long enough that I never got a full picture of how bad the actual psoriasis was. Felt like that plus my topical allowed me about 48 hours of comfort & confidence. I thought I’d had an allergic reaction to the different washing powder I’d been using and went to the tournament doctor to get myself sorted out. I’ve seen multiple dermatologists who all have said they can’t help me until I get insurance. I think what most people don't understand about this disease is that it isn't just skin deep: It affects every single aspect of your life (career, friendships, relationships, hobbies, everything) and is mentally draining. At the time I found this unbelievable and a little bit disgusting, but I couldn’t refuse what was staring me in the face – he and his hair were a picture of health.His theory was that your body knows how to take care of itself, and using shampoos and conditioners just tells your body to disregard its natural knowledge and rely on chemicals instead.This chat triggered a turning point for me. I avoided the public eye when I could. It did not matter whether this was a valid opinion or not, it was what I believed. He laughed. This combination works amazingly well as a natural substitute.I cannot describe how life changing this experiment was for me. I could take my shirt off at the beach without feeling self-conscious. Skin biopsy. Moisturizer: This is a key part of daily care for psoriasis on your whole body, including sensitive areas. 4. The doctor confirmed my suspicion and prescribed me some strong antihistamine as the rash had steadily spread and worsened.I took the antihistamine pills for a few days but rather than easing the rash it spread further and became redder and angrier.By this stage I was extremely self-conscious and scared. It could change their life the way mine was changed.There's literally no science to back up your advice. Take a warm bath and let the skin dry and soft. But I could give it a shot, no harm in trying.I've got it on my scalp slightly but Head & Shoulder's keeps that shit under control. I’ll take her word on that one and won’t question it too hard…After those first few days, things began to change. I just got a UVB NB lamp from my doctor and was wondering if you guys had any good tips to share about using it. After a month or so off chemicals I decided to try a natural, plant based roll-on deodorant. What about deodorant?Good luck! Posted by 8 years ago. There are a number of disorders which present similarly to psoriasis, and only a qualified dermatologist can often tell the difference; sometimes a biopsy is needed to confirm. Only on my ankle spot I get WAVES of intense euphoria that pulsates throughout my entire body and is twice as powerful as any damn orgasm I've ever had. Any advice is very much appreciated.Do you take warm showers? So no shower gel, shampoo. Every other evening I'll rub a bit of coconut oil into my face and neck and wash it off with a towel soaked in hot water. I use deodorant now, but always try to find the ones that have the least ingredients and least chemicals in them. A friend and I started fooling around soon after I broke out in spots. I have first hand experience in how demoralizing, emotionally exhausting and confidence sapping the disease can be. However as an athlete I would shower three or four times a day - after every training session or match. Perhaps in the future there will be science to explain why my method worked so remarkably well for me.