Some other medicines affect how Qudexy XR  or Trokendi XR is eliminated from the body, so the dosages may need to be changed with different combinations.Most people who take Qudexy XR or Trokendi XR  (topiramate) have little or no problem with side effects. The information within the Reviews and FAQ tabs is proprietary to Everyday Health. It is important to remember that only a tiny number of people who take Qudexy XR have any of these serious problems.If you believe that you have experienced a serious side effect from a medication, you or your physician can bring it to the attention of the FDA, through their MedWatch program, by completing an adverse event report form (On July 10, 2008, an advisory panel was convened by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to review data that the FDA had previously collected from drug studies showing an association between many of the antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and suicidal ideation and behavior, which together are called suicidality. There are 2 currently approved Brand name extended release versions of topiramate XR: Qudexy XR and Trokendi XR. Qudexy XR Sprinkle(Oral) Reviews; Qudexy XR Sprinkle(Oral) Reviews. All drugs may cause side effects. Topiramate is used to treat certain types of seizures in adults and children who are at least 2 years old. However, many people have no side effects or only have minor side effects. According to the FDA’s Alert, among the patients with epilepsy in these drug studies, 1 out of 1000 people taking the placebo (inactive substance) showed suicidality compared to approximately 3.5 out of 1000 people who took an AED. Some of the dosage forms listed on this page may not apply to the brand name Qudexy XR.. For the Consumer. Stopping any seizure medicine all at once can cause serious problems.Both the tablets and capsules should be stored at room temperature (59° to 86°F or 15° to 30°C), in a tightly sealed container protected from moisture and humidity. Most children do best at about 5 to 9 mg per kg per day.If the dosage is increased slowly and carefully monitored, side effects should not be a problem for most children. Do not stop taking Qudexy XR (topiramate extended-release sprinkle capsules) all of a sudden without calling your doctor. While these reviews might be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge and judgement of healthcare practitioners. This document is commonly known as a “package insert” because it is usually included with each package of the medicine.You can also read these documents (also called "prescribing information") online. The fifth week 300 mg per day and the sixth week 400 mg per day.People over age 65 generally require a lower initial dose and particular caution with any increases.In the United States, companies that manufacture medicines are required to publish certain kinds of information about each product. Review this Drug . Call your doctor or get medical The following information is NOT intended to endorse any particular medication. Follow the doctor's directions. Your family or other caregivers should also be alert to changes in your mood or symptoms.Topiramate can make birth control pills less effective. Avoid driving or operating machinery until you know how this medicine will affect you.Also avoid activities that could be dangerous if you have an unexpected seizure, such as swimming or climbing in high places.Follow all directions on your prescription label and read all medication guides or instruction sheets. Qudexy XR or Trokendi XR does not affect barrier types of birth control, like condoms, IUDs, and diaphragms. Your child's dose needs may change if the child gains or loses weight.Drink plenty of liquids while you are taking topiramate, to prevent kidney stones or an electrolyte imbalance.You will need frequent medical tests.