The stuff works by killing your testosterone levels.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castTressless is Reddit's most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss and balding. I am not one of those people who tells everyone that fin sides don't exist and calls everyone who claims them a fearmonger, but it just doesn't make sense to me that problems from a controlled hormone change would rapidly go 0-100 after a year of use; especially when anxiety, a much simpler explanation that actually happens that quickly, is a factor. Ironically, it makes me as self conscious as my receding hairline.All this is to say that finasteride is not totally harmless. Two weeks ago, I went to have sex with my wife, but I couldn't get an erection. Finasteride shows final results by year 2 , stay patient! So I started finasteride about two months ago, for the first 2-3 weeks I took 0.5 mg every other day, after that I took 0.5 mg every day; and I will be continuing. There was no noticeable decrease in libido or erectile disfunction, so I kept taking my 1.25 mg pill every night.About 6 months in, I started to notice some thickening in my hairline, to which I was ecstatic. Give it a year or so to truly assess whether it is working for you.Yeah shed is a real thing , I'm on month and still every other month get sheds , it does fill back up pretty quick. Personally though these days I'm leaning more towards eventually going bald. I noticed a pretty mild increase in shedding that seems to have subsided for the most part. After all, this is all an anecdotal experience and may or may not be reflective of the general population. Finasteride is a popular treatment for treating hair loss or male pattern baldness (also known as androgenetic alopecia).But does it really work and what results can you actually expect from Finasteride? The fatty tissue in my chest is greater today than it was a year ago despite any significant change in BMI. Basically a run of the mill stomach illness? Gastrointeritis? Finasteride and other hair loss treatments, like minoxidil, work gradually and require long-term use for best results. Feel less concentrated after waking up early? I experienced the same but no puffy nipples, i stopped after i felt like they were more sensitive than normal. In the tiny chance that finnesteride causes gyno (in one trial placebo developed more gyno compared to the fin group) this isn't what gyno is.I suspect the 1 in 300 statistic you hear floated around is grossly underestimated.Yep, I can't argue with that clinical trial. I think it would be healthier to embrace it learn to be confident.I still get the occassional bald joke from a few of my close friends but I easily counter with a fat or short joke. Finasteride shows final results by year 2 , stay patient!Tressless is Reddit's most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss and balding. I did recover and am way above baseline now. Do what you need to, I'm glad I'm not taking fin anymore personally, but think about it from a logical Occam's razor perspective and don't read either of these crazy ass forums!I can’t agree with you more about PropeciaHelp. I had this episode that lasted like 2 weeks - it gets in your head as well. No response. Feel free to discuss hair loss remedies, technologies, transplants, living with hair loss, cosmetic concealments, whether to "take the plunge" and shave your head, and how your newly shaved head or hairstyle looks.Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. I have been on for almost a year, and have gone through 2 pretty severe sheds. He has seperated his pre-finasteride results … If you want to roll the dice, go for it. While finasteride is designed to disrupt DHT and stimulate hair growth, you need to continue taking it … It was like having a limp hot dog hanging between my legs. I have had the "numb" feelings you describe from freaking out about sexual performance before I even took the drug, ok? Im not sure if it goes away at some point, some people shed even after years, everyones different. What kind of hairpiece did you end up going with?Can you show us a pic of you with the hairpiece? That forum is full of hypochondriacs and started to convince me, someone who doesnt even believe in PFS really, that I was going to have permanent side effects after quitting, and I willed them to be so for some time.