eventually.. if you have the time.it’s lacazette – hellouser on baldtruth forums they seem to be avid diggers, as well as a simple google search on various key words. it was actually pretty amazing, but it was no were near to a breakthrough. It gets us nowhere. A breakthrough cones out every year to boost our hopes then it fizzles away. While Replicel has remained highly active when it comes to news releases (probably more so than any other company ever involved in the hair loss cure world) and especially responsive on social media platforms, several delays in the company’s clinical trials have turned off many people. Put the Lotion on your head for 3 weeks and you get all your hair back. I suspect she might have started using her Jaks-stats already… lol… just my guess… lol… in a silent Liz Parrish mode.. lolJulian and egg head sorry for all the negative posts. This shouldn’t be the case if we don’t five in to hype.i dont think your english is that bad at all written by the way. They hide all cures and never release them. Your shouting/ unrelenting comments are drowning out actual conversation that could help the community. That never came! A lot of these companies keep their target audience in the dark too much and it is kind of annoying.The Cure is Here… it is going to be a lotion of Tofacinitib probably from a doctor for other uses since it will take 5 years to get it FDA approved for hair growth. Hope I’m wrong.And all of them are upcoming technologies!! They kept saying once 10 years goes buy after you lose your hair forget about ever getting it back since the hair follicle is gone forever. So the standard “5 years and a likely cure” is not a good sign, means they have nothing substantial yet)Also, I had hopes for Piloscopy thing, but that was a major lie after lie by Dr. Wesley when it would be available (likely to get investors), also in one article I HATE how he insults some bald guys by saying when they come into his office and describe some of their problems associated with hairloss that they need a psychiatrist and not a hair transplant?! What you and other people thinking about this?Hi johny, it will be a few years before they can release the topical product, and only if it is proven to work on MPB…so your doctor is right to an extent. Only treatments. I would say less than 20 labs work directly on this problem, while cancer diabetes and aids and … have thousands and thousands of labs working on.all that BS that bill gates said more money goes into baldness research than malaria, is actually, not true.Also, I’m a stem cell researcher, so when I say replicel is off target, I actually know a thing or two, and it’s not just an opinion. !90 percent or more of the people, men and women, who would have an interest in the solution of balding, or hair thinning, all these people are out of the market today.. be it because they ignore current treatments, be it because they have tried them but didn’t get the results they expected, be it because they find them useless, be it for fear of side effects, be it because they haven’t seen yet a bald friend becoming hairy again, in front of their eyes…. Replicel and Histogen got how many, so far?? The question is when will they release it as a lifelong treatment for us.Mjones, There’s no cure yet, man!! Histogen should still be released for low Norwoods who need hsir line filling in. If AGA were an autoimmune disease, they would have known that many years ago.We still need real testing before announcing this as the cure. They should test them immediately, topically.If I was Dr. Christiano, I’d test in myself, if she isn’t doing that right now already… Maybe all that hair isn’t a wig anymore… lolHe should be silent, which he is so good at always but at the right time. But it’s too early to tell.. again, it’s just a feeling.Replicel and Histogen, I deeply root for them to have something better coming out of their oven, if they got it it would be faster.